In Hebrew the first letters of the titles Job, Proverbs, and Psalms spell the word truth. For this reason, these three major books of the wisdom literature were often referred to as the “books of truth.” These books of wisdom and truth help us to relate all areas of life to God’s providential supervision and care.

This month we will complete our survey of Job begun last month. Then we will move on to a brief consideration of the Psalms (largely based on the teaching of Art Lindsley at the Ligonier Valley Study Center) followed by a short overview of Proverbs (written by Frederic Putnam).

We will end the month by returning to R. C.’s teaching as we begin a study of Ecclesiastes, the most directly philosophical book in Scripture. This month as you study, keep in mind the strong command of a father to his son in Proverbs 4:5: “Get wisdom, get understanding.” Such a vigorous pursuit characterizes a life lived coram Deo, striving to seek God while recognizing His presence in our pursuit.

