This month we will complete our survey of the history of Israel by looking first at the ministries of Elijah and Elisha. Then we will trace the histories of the northern and southern kingdoms down to the destruction of Samaria and Jerusalem. We will also briefly consider the return from the Babylonian exile as seen in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah.
From there, the rest of September will be spent moving into that portion of the Old Testament known as the wisdom literature. After a brief introduction to this genre of biblical literature, we will begin our discussion of the book of Job which will continue next month.
We are covering a large portion of the Old Testament this month. Consider taking extra time to read through some of these books to become more familiar with the details of this portion of God’s Word. Working to understand His Word, and then aspiring to live by it—this is living Coram Deo—under God’s authority and unto His glory.