LUKE 19:39–44

As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it

(Luke 19:41).

Yesterday we saw the excited crowd welcome Jesus to Jerusalem as their king. Later they would cry, “Crucify Him!” Some of the Pharisees in the crowd called on Jesus to rebuke the acclamations of the people, but Jesus refused. It was important that He be accepted as King and Messiah and crucified as King and Messiah. Thus, if the people did not acclaim Him as Messiah, the very stones would cry out.

As Jesus came on into Jerusalem, He wept over it because the city was not receiving Him as it should: “If only you had known on this day what would bring you peace” (v. 42). The crowd was crying “peace,” but the people did not really understand the true essence of peace.

The time would come when enemies would raise up siegeworks against Jerusalem. The city would be surrounded, her people slain, her children crushed, and her buildings broken down. Not one stone would be left on another. Why? “Because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you” (Luke 19:44).

The word for coming in verse 44 is episkopes, which denotes an inspection from a visiting official. It is the word from which we get episcopal, and it is more often translated “bishop.” Thus, Jesus was saying that Jerusalem did not recognize the time of God’s “coming to bishop” her. God had come in Jesus to be her ruler, but she did not recognize Him. Just as she had stoned the prophets who brought the Word of God in the Old Testament, so she would not recognize the Incarnate Word of God when He arrived. The people wanted a “king” and they wanted “peace,” but on their terms, not on the terms of the Heavenly Bishop who was in their midst.

It is with these words of lamentation that Luke ends his account of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem.


Jeremiah 14–16

1 Timothy 5

Today marks the beginning of Ligonier’s three-day national conference in San Diego. Pray for Chuck Swindoll, J.I. Packer, Os Guinness, and R. C. as the plenary speakers. Ask God to honor His Word as these men faithfully teach. Pray also that it might be well received, and not met with the same rejection that caused Jesus’ lament.

For further study: Jeremiah 6:9–19; tape #B57INT.80/81

