Solomon and the Kings

Volume 4


The Volume now presented completes the Illustrations founded upon the Historical Books of the Old Testament.

The greater number of persons, and the larger variety of meldents, comprised in the portion of Holy Scripture to which the present Volume is appropriated, impart to it a somewhat distinctive character, in the diversity of the subjects which it embraces. The opening breadth of the political relations and circumstances, has caused the Author’s special attention to be given to what may be called the philosophy of Hebrew history, and to the development of the principles of religious and social action. This, as usual in the present work, has been attempted less by discussion than by the mode of expository statement in which the facts have been set forth, and by which the Author has been enabled to produce, in an unpretending form, some of the best results of extended researches.

When it came to be understood, that it would not be possible to enter upon the History of the New Testament in the Fourth Volume, as originally contemplated, many communications, from known and unknown friends, were received, urging the Author to extend his plan, so as to embrace the consideration of those portions of Holy Writ which could not be brought within the limits of the Four Volumes: and as many of the notices of the Third Volume in the periodical press, contained the same recommendation, the Author conceived that he had sufficient grounds for concluding that a Second Series would be acceptable to the public; and as he had become attached to his labor—which is most truly one of love to him—there wanted but this indication, joined to the hope of larger usefulness, to induce him to turn his attention to the consideration of the best mode of accomplishing a wish so strongly and generally expressed.

It soon appeared that the Gospels, being essentially the Life of Jesus; and the Acts of the Apostles—which, taken in connection with the Epistles, form the History of the Early Church—would furnish ample and interesting materials for two more volumes. And, having proceeded thus far, it was seen to be desirable to finish the design, and give a real completeness to the Series, by bringing within its scope the large portion of the Bible not, included in the original sketch. It is considered that Job and the other Poetical Books, with Isaiah and the other Prophetical Books, would supply rich materials for two more volumes, and pleasantly carry this new Series of Daily Readings over a second year.

Under these views it is, with the Lord’s blessing, intended, after the interval of a few months for such preparations as may be needful to secure regularity in the publication of the Quarterly Volumes, to commence a Second Series of Daily Bible Illustrations—the Volumes comprising which will appear in the following order—

I. Job and the Poetical Books.

II. Isaiah and the Prophets.

III. The Life and Death of our Lord.

IV. The Apostles and the Early Church.

London, April, 1851.