The whole land of Canaan was the gift of God to His people Israel, but they were slow to go in and possess. God is ever more ready to give than we are to take-
I. The Work to be Done. Five kings of the Amorites, with all their hosts, had encamped before Gideon, with whom Joshua had lately made a league. They sent an urgent message to him saying: "Slack not thy hand from thy servants; come up to us quickly and save us." As soon as the Gideonites became the allies of Israel they became the enemies of the Amorites. Joshua feels in honour bound to help his weaker brethren to maintain their stand against the common foe. They had enemies, and so have we, with which compromise is impossible.
II. The Encouragement Given.-"Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thy hand" (Jos_10:8). So said the Lord to Joshua, as he prepared himself for the battle. Those who have purposed in their heart to do the will of God may confidently expect the help of God. Everything depends upon the attitude God takes towards our enterprises, whether they shall prosper or end in confusion (Gen_11:4-8). His promise, "Lo, I am with you," may be claimed by every one who fights against all evil principles and habits, which hinder souls from the enjoyment of the gift of God’s grace.
III. The Method Adopted. "Joshua went up from Gilgal all night, and came upon them suddenly" (Jos_10:9). He lost no time. Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as unto the Lord. "Going up all night" meant some personal sacrifice, but great victories in the Name of God are very seldom won without this. Those who attempt great things on the authority of the Divine Word know what it is to be "a night and a day on the deep."
IV. The Weapons Used. There was, of course, the sword, but our weapons are not carnal, but spiritual and mighty, to the pulling down of the strongholds of Satan.
1. The sword of the Spirit is also our sword, which is the "Word of God." If the Spirit has infallible confidence in this double-edged blade as unbreakable, and effective for the overcoming of the enemy and the establishing of the Kingdom of God, so well may we. They had another weapon called "hailstones from Heaven." Those who war against the revealed purposes of God have more to reckon with than they dream of. This destructive shower of hailstones were the arrows of the Almighty, shot from the unerring bow of judgment (Isa_30:30). The battalions of Heaven are on the side of those who believe God’s Word and do His will (Job_38:22-23).
2. The next weapon brought into action was Daring Faith. When Joshua said to the Lord in the sight of Israel, "Sun, stand thou still upon Gideon," it was not only an unprecedented, but, we would have thought, an unimaginable, venture of faith. At that moment he seemed to feel the presence of the Almighty so near and real that "all things were possible to him that believeth." There and then he asked a "great thing, and got it." It was not demanded for his own sake, but for the fulfilment of that commission given him by God.
3. All Power in Heaven and on earth is still at the disposal of those consecrated to His service (Mat_28:18-19). If need be, it was as easy for God to stop the whole Solar system and start it again without the slightest dislocation of any part, as it is for a railway driver to stop his engine. It is of the nature of faith to expect miracles, and when it is definitely exercised it is not disappointed. The Lord still "hearkens unto the voice of a man," and does memorable things for him (Jos_10:14).
Autor: James Smith