What manner of love is this? that God should so love us as to give up His Son to die for us, and then reward us for every little thing done for Him. Oh, the grace of God-it is grace upon grace. Look at-

I. THE REWARDER.-Rewards are usually given according to the dignity of the rewarder.

1. THINK OF HIS GREATNESS (Col_3:24). The Lord Himself is the rewarder. The world was made by Him and for Him. He inhabiteth eternity. He speaks and it is done.

2. THINK OF HIS RICHES (Gen_15:1). Is it earthly blessing? The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof. Is it spiritual gifts? The fulness of the Godhead dwelleth in Him. He who was rich became poor, that we, through His poverty, might be made rich.

3. THINK OF HIS GOODNESS (Mat_6:4). How sweet are these words: "Thy Father Himself." The Father who gave His Son, how will He not, with Him, freely give us all things. O how great is Thy goodness!

4. THINK OF HIS FAITHFULNESS (Php_2:8-10). The One who, for God, became a worm and no man, is exalted by God with a name above every name. We see Him enduring the cross, and we see Him crowned with glory and honour (Heb_2:9). Having been faithful to His only Son, He will be faithful to His every son.

II. THE REWARDED.-Not every one will have their works rewarded. The wood, hay, and stubble will be burned. If any man’s work abide, he shall receive a reward (1Co_3:12-15). Rewards are given to-

1. THE EARNEST SEEKER (Heb_11:6). Not those who seek rewards merely, but Him-"My soul thirsteth for the living God."

2. THE CAREFUL WORKER (1Co_3:13-14). Take heed how and what ye build. Remember the testing fire. Be diligent in this business; be fervent in spirit-red hot.

3. THE CHEERFUL GIVER (Mat_10:42). The Lord loveth a cheerful giver. Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily. The least thing done in Christ’s Name will be rewarded.

4. THE RIGHTEOUS SOWER (Prov. 11, 18). Jesus Christ was the righteous Sower. What a reward He has received! (Heb_2:9). Let us follow His example (Psa_126:6).

5. THE UPRIGHT DEALER (2Sa_22:21). The Christian ought to do his business as in the sight of God, with an equal balance and with clean hands.

6. THE HUMBLE WALKER (Pro_22:4). The reward of humility is riches and honour. Christ humbled Himself, wherefore God highly exalted Him (Pro_22:29).

7. THE STEADFAST BELIEVER (Heb_10:25). Whatever hinders your confidence in God is robbing you of a great recompense of reward. Listen not to the tempting devil. This is the victory-even our faith.

8. THE GODLY SUFFERER (Mat_5:11-12). Jesus Himself, as our Captain, was consecrated through suffering. We suffer with Him that we may be also glorified together.

9. THE FAITHFUL WARRIOR (2Ti_4:8). On God’s side the battle is the Lord’s; on our side it is the fight of faith. Be faithful unto death and gain the crown of life.


1. THEY ARE GREAT (Gen_15:1). Will be according to the greatness of the Giver. To have Himself is to have an exceeding great reward. "If He is mine, then all is mine."

2. THEY ARE SURE (Col_3:24). Because they are of the Lord. He is faithful that hath promised.

3. THEY ARE VARIED. Every man shall receive according to his own labour (1Co_3:8). In this case it will not be "every man his penny." The penitent thief cannot expect the reward of the laborious Paul.

4. THEY ARE SUFFICIENT (Mat_25:21). Doubtless everyone will be abundantly satisfied with their own reward. His "well done" will be enough for this. But what is meant by "the joy of the Lord?"

5. THEY ARE ETERNAL (2Co_4:17). These are laurels which never wither; blessings which perish not with the using. Who can count the value of "an eternal weight of glory?"

6. THEY ARE TO BE COVETED (2Jn_1:8). Men will beguile us of our reward if they succeed in beguiling us away from lovingly serving the Lord. Press on toward the mark for the prize.


1. WILL BE ACCORDING TO OUR WORKS (1Co_3:13). He shall reward every man according to his works (Mat_16:27), not according to his profession.

2. WILL BE OPENLY (Mat_6:4). Secret acts for Christ are not to be only secretly rewarded, although the faithful worker gets many a secret reward.

3. WILL BE IN THIS PRESENT TIME (Luk_18:29-30). The rewards are not all reserved for us in heaven. Daniel’s self-denial was rewarded with heavenly wisdom (chap. 1).

4. WILL BE IN THE LIFE TO COME (Rev_22:12). When clothed upon with our house which is from heaven, we will be the more able to receive and enjoy heavenly blessings.

5. WILL BE WHEN HE COMES (Mat_16:27) The great rewards are bestowed when the Rewarder Himself appears. When He comes for His saints they shall receive the new body-the eternal fitness. When He comes with His saints they shall be rewarded with honours.

6. WILL BE DURING HIS REIGN (Rev_20:4). Know ye not that the saints shall judge the world?

7. WILL BE THROUGH ALL ETERNITY (2Co_4:17). Where I am there shall ye be also-" For ever with the Lord." Hallelujah.

Autor: James Smith