1. THE FIELD IS THE WORLD (Mat_13:30). The Church is in the world, that it might be a blessing to the world. The seed of the kingdom is sufficient for, and suitable to every part of the field.

2. A WORLD IN BONDAGE (Joh_5:19, R.V.). Possessed and polluted by the evil one. The thorns and briars of sin are the natural fruits of the soil.

3. A WORLD UNDER CONDEMNATION (Rom_5:12). All have sinned; all are guilty; all under death, that He might have mercy upon all.

4. A WORLD LOVED BY GOD (Joh_3:16). That God does love the world is abundantly manifest in the gift of His Son. Why He did love such a world is a mystery to man and an eternal praise to God.

5. A WORLD ATONED FOR BY CHRIST. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world (1Jn_2:2). He is the mercy-seat, where the broken law is covered, and where all may meet with God.


It is sad to think of the millions still in ignorance of God’s love and of Christ’s atoning death. The soil cannot but be fruitless for good while it is yet destitute of the good seed.


Christ saw the field already white in His day, because He saw already the grace and power by which this great work could be done. Alas 1 that so little should be yet gathered in. "Oh, where are the reapers?"


It is said that when the Duke of Wellington was asked if it was worth while sending missionaries to a certain people, he said: "What are your standing orders?" Well, here they are-

1. GO INTO ALL THE WORLD (Mar_16:15). The great Redeemer had His eye and heart on every part of the field when He gave His life a ransom for all.

2. BE WITNESSES UNTO ME (Act_1:8). This implies more than mere testimony. We cannot be true witnesses of Christ’s transforming, cleansing, keeping power, unless we have in heart been renewed, possessed, and transformed.

3. TEACH ALL NATIONS (Mat_28:19). All nations need the knowledge of Christ. Christ is sufficient for the needs of all nations.

4. PREACH THE GOSPEL (2Co_10:16). The tidings of the Father’s love; of the Saviour’s sufferings and triumph; of the Spirit’s presence and power; of the coming of the King.

5. DECLARE HIS GLORY (1Ch_16:24). Declare the glory of His character; the glory of His resurrection; the glory of His future kingdom.

6. BID TO THE MARRIAGE (Mat_22:9). Don’t forget to give each and all a hearty invitation. God is no respecter of persons. Whosoever will may come.

7. PRAY THE LORD OF THE HARVEST (Mat_9:28). Pray Him to thrust out labourers into His harvest. Pray Him to thrust out those who are waiting on money to send them. The Church is waiting on the means to send them. "Pray Him to send," and the means will be sent with them.


1. THEY ARE POSSESSED (Joh_17:23). The vessel needs filling before it can be a blessing. Paul had the Son revealed in him before he was called to preach Him. Moses had the vision before he received his commission (Exo_3:1-10).

2. THEY ARE SENT (Joh_17:18). Sent as the Father has sent the Son. What does that mean? Think of where Christ came from, what He came to do, and how He did the will of His Father.

3. THEY ARE FAITHFUL (Act_8:4). Though scattered abroad by persecution they preached the Word everywhere. Faithful to Him who called them. Ye serve the Lord Christ.

4. THEY ARE TAUGHT (Jer_1:7). He who dwells within teaches how and what to speak. Out of your hearts shall flow rivers of living water; This spake He of the Spirit.

5. THEY ARE DEBTORS (Rom_1:14-15). We are debtors to all classes, inasmuch as we have that committed to us (the Gospel) which all need. We owe the unsaved the Gospel. The Lord give us grace to pay our debt.

6. THEY ARE COURAGEOUS (2Co_10:16). They went into the regions beyond; where the Gospel was as yet unknown, not boasting in the fruit of other men’s labours. Dare to be a Daniel.

7. THEY ARE SUCCESSFUL (Act_17:6). The world needs to be turned upside down, for just now it is wrong side up. Its feet, instead of its face, are turned to God. Who is sufficient for these things? Greater is He that is in you.


1. THINK OF THE WILL OF GOD (1Ti_2:3-4). It is His will that all be saved. He willeth not the death of any. In seeking the salvation of men we seek the fulfilment of His will.

2. THINK OF THE SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST (Gal_1:4). How precious is that shed blood in the eyes of God the Father; how powerful is that blood to cleanse.

3. THINK OF THE GIFT OF THE SPIRIT (Act_1:8), which proves a resurrected Saviour and an accepted Advocate. By the Spirit’s presence the living Saviour, in all His love and power, abides within us.

4. THINK OF THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL (Rom_1:16). The message we have to proclaim is the divine complement to human need. It is God’s panacea for the woes of the world.

5. THINK OF THE PROMISE (Mat_28:19-20). "Certainly I will be with you." This was God’s answer to Moses. "Who am I?" The question is not "Who am I?" but, "Who is He that is with me?"

6. THINK OF THE REWARDS (Mar_10:29-30). "Ye shall receive wages." What a fee! Heaven’s coin paid in grace by the hand of the King.

7. THINK OF THE DIVINE PURPOSE. All the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of God. All kings and nations shall yet serve Him. The kingdoms of this world shall yet become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. Be not weary in welldoing.

Autor: James Smith