"He lives who lives to God alone,

And all are dead beside;

For other source than God is none,

Whence life can be supplied."


1. IT COMES FROM THE ETERNAL FATHER (Jer_10:10, marg.). He who inhabiteth eternity is the Fountain of this living water. The living God, and King of eternity. Born of God.

2. IT IS OFFERED THROUGH THE ETERNAL SON (Rom_6:23). "The same was in the beginning with God" (Joh_1:2). "The Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us." This is that eternal life: the Good Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep.

3. IT IS BEGOTTEN BY THE ETERNAL SPIRIT (Heb_9:14). "You hath He quickened who were dead." It is the Spirit that quickeneth. Salvation is of the Lord.

4. IT IS ORDERED BY AN ETERNAL PURPOSE. Chosen in Him before the foundation of the world (Eph_1:4). Promised before the world began. A precious truth demanding simple faith. (Heb_11:3).

5. IT IS SUSTAINED BY ETERNAL THINGS (2Co_4:18). The things of this world cannot satisfy the desires and affections of this eternal and God-given life (Col_2:1-3).

6. IT IS DESTINED FOR ETERNAL GLORY (1Pe_5:10). It has come from God, and is going to God.


1. IT IS NOT INHERITED BY WORKS (Mat_19:16). By the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in His sight (Rom_3:20). To offer works as a price is to make God a debtor (Rom_4:4).

2 IT IS THE PROMISE OF GOD. (1Jn_2:25). The promise of the true God that inhabiteth eternity. This promise is the word of life. He speaks and it is done.

3. IT IS A GIFT (Rom_6:23). Divine life can alone come from God. It must be given for it cannot be bought. What was lost through sin can only be attained through grace.

4. IT IS IN CHRIST (1Jn_5:11). It hath pleased God that this fulness should dwell in Him; in Him who is alive for evermore. He that hath the Son hath life.

5. IT IS RECEIVED BY FAITH (Joh_3:15). Not of works, lest any man should boast. This is the work of God that ye believe. Grace shuts up to faith.

6. IT CONSISTS OF KNOWING GOD (Joh_17:3). The living they praise Thee. I know whom I have believed. I know My sheep and am known of Mine Whom sayest thou that I am?

7. IT CONSISTS OF HAVING GOD (Joh_6:54). "As many as received Him," etc. (Joh_1:12). Knowing and having the Eternal One is being in possession of eternal life. It is not having hope, but having the Christ who is our hope.

III. THE FULNESS OF THIS LIFE.-This fulness is seen-

1. IN THE SOURCE FROM WHENCE IT COMES (Isa_57:15). The unchanging and Almighty One. This blessing comes from "the high and lofty One" like the cool, refreshing stream which flows from the high and lofty hills, crowned with eternal snow.

2. IN THE PURPOSE OF THE GIFT. God so loved the world that He gave His Son (Joh_3:16). He knew all that the world needed, and He knew that in giving His Son, He was giving the world everything it needed.

3. IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST (1Jn_1:1-2). What love and wisdom, grace and power, were manifested in the life of Jesus! All fulness dwells in Him who is the image of the invisible God.

4. IN THE PROMISES OF GOD (Joh_10:28). What promises are ours in Christ! Having given us His Son, how will He not with Him also freely give us all things?

5. IN THE LIVES OF GOD’S PEOPLE. Those who have subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, out of weakness were made strong waxed valiant in fight, and turned to flight the armies of the aliens (Heb_11:33-34). His riches are seen in His kindness towards us (Eph_2:7).

IV. THE POWER OF THIS LIFE.-It is eternal, and so possesses all "the power of an endless life" (Heb_7:16). This life has in it-

1. A SIN-HATING POWER (Joh_12:25). It being a holy life-divine nature-it instinctively abhors that which is un-Christ-like.

2. A WORLD-DESPISING POWER (1Jn_2:15). This eternal life, born and nourished by things unseen, cannot love this present evil world.

3. A SELF-FORGETTING POWER (Mar_10:30). A life that finds its highest good in being good and doing good. The life of Jesus manifested in our mortal flesh (2Co_4:11).

4. A SINNER-LOVING POWER. Although sin is hated, the sinner is loved for Jesus’ sake. "Love your enemies, pray for them that persecute you."

5. A HOPE-INSPIRING POWER (Tit_1:2). Each individual believer, standing before God, resting in His will, is a confirmed and joyful optimist.

6. A DEVIL-CONQUERING POWER. In this eternal life there is such a power of resistance when exercised by faith that the devil must flee from you (Jam_4:7).

7. A GOD-GLORIFYING POWER. Having been made alive unto God, we must glorify Him in our bodies and spirits, which are His, and look for the time when He shall be glorified in His saints, and admired in all them that believe (2Th_1:10).

Autor: James Smith