Consecration to God and faith in God ought to characterise every servant of God. And who can tell the limits of the possibilities of such? There are many believers in Jesus, but few consecrated to Him. Fewer still who actually prove His faithfulness in fulfilling all His promises.
I. THE NATURE OF FAITH.-Faith is the substance of things hoped for, etc. (Heb_11:1). Faith acknowledges the things unseen, and acts as if they were visible. So Noah built the ark (Mar_11:7). So Moses forsook Egypt (Mar_11:27). "Seeing Him who is invisible." "Blessed is he who hath not seen and yet hath believed" (Joh_20:29). Through faith Jacob coveted the birthright (Gen_25:31). And because Esau could not see its value he dispised it and sold it. "Oh, I see it" is not equivalent to "Oh, I believe it." For with the heart man believeth (Rom_10:10). God judgeth the heart. A clear head is no evidence of a believing heart.
II. THE OBJECT OF FAITH.-"Have faith in God" (Mar_11:22). Means must be used, but means must not be the object of trust. They are but the ditches we dig. God must fill them (2Ki_3:16). God can be trusted to fulfil every promise He hath made, for "God is faithful" (1Co_10:13). He says, "I will not suffer My faithfulness to fail" (Psa_89:33). And again, "My covenant I will not break. Nor alter the thing that is gone out of My lips" (Psa_89:34). How, then, can His power be doubted. Nothing shall be impossible with God. "Is anything too hard for Me?" (Jer_32:27). The object of our faith is "One who cannot lie," One who cannot change, One who cannot fail.
III. THE GROUND OF FAITH.-The Word of God which liveth and abideth for ever (1Pe_1:23). "He that believeth as the Scriptures hath said" (Joh_7:38). Every word of God is purified (Pro_30:5). There is no dross, nothing to be put away. To be received just as it is given. We are to desire the sincere milk of the Word. Many seek to boil it down before receiving it. They attempt to refine what God has already purified. The Word is not only pure, but "sure." "Sure Word of prophecy." The Word of the Lord shall stand for ever (Isa_40:8). Because it is already "settled in heaven" (Psa_119:89). Then the ground of our faith is as faithful and true as the Object of it.
IV. THE EXERCISE OF FAITH.-Abraham believed God (Rom_4:5), and went out, not knowing whither he went (Heb_11:8). He had but "His Word," as we have. Caleb believed God when he said "Let us go up at once and possess it" (Num_13:30). God had promised to give them the land, and he believed, although the difficulties were great and numberless Peter believed when he said, "Nevertheless (although there seemed nothing but failure), at Thy word I will let down the net" (Luk_5:5). His word was all he had, but it was enough. And he even ventured to walk on the sea with a "Come" from Jesus. Paul exercised faith when he said, "I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me" (Act_27:25). Do you?
V. THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF FAITH.-Believe and thou shalt see (Joh_11:40). Did Abraham not believe and see when made rich? And Caleb? Peter believed and saw a great draught. What was Joshua’s testimony? "There failed not aught which the Lord had spoken. All came to pass" (Jos_21:45). What was Solomon’s testimony 400 years after? "Blessed be the Lord, there hath not failed one word of all which He promised" (1Ki_8:56). Again, in Mar_14:16, we read, the disciples went forth and found, as He had said unto them. If they had not gone forth they could not have proved the truthfulness of His word. Is there a single case where faith has been disappointed in all the Revelation of God? And if not, will there ever be one?
VI. THE NEED OF FAITH.-Have faith in God. He cannot do many mighty works through us, because of our unbelief. "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed nothing shall be impossible unto you" (Matt. 17 ,20). All things whatsoever ye ask, believing, ye shall receive (Mat_21:22). "All things are yours, for ye are Christ’s." This is either true or it is not true. If it is not true, we can have no confidence in God. If it is true, then why is it not our experience? Might Jesus not say to us: "O fools and slow of heart to believe all that I have spoken. Let the question be faced. "Believe ye that I am able to do this?" (Mat_9:28). If He can say to you, "Great is thy faith," you may also expect that it shall be unto you, "even as thou wilt." (Mat_15:28).
VII. THE RESULT OF FAITH.-Many wonderful results are recorded in Heb. 11. It would be impossible to mention all the possibilities of faith, since it is written, "according to your faith it shall be done unto you." There is no limit given. We are straightened in ourselves. "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth" (Mar_9:23). Elias prayed, and it rained not by the space of three years and a half. He prayed again, and the heaven gave rain (Jam_5:17-18). Hezekiah trusted in the Lord God, and there was none like him (2Ki_18:5). There are none to-day like those who trust God.
Autor: James Smith