"Teach me, O Lord, the way of Thy statutes, and I shall keep it unto the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep Thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart. Make me to go in the path of Thy commandments; for therein do I delight. Turn mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken Thou me in Thy way" (Psa_119:33-37). "It is God who worketh in you both to will and to do" (Php_2:13).
I. The Christian Life as a Walk. It implies-
1. PILGRIMAGE. Here we have no continuing city; we are pilgrims and strangers on the earth: sojourners with the Lord (Lev_25:23). Our citizenship is in Heaven.
2. SELF-DENIAL. "If any will come after Me," said Jesus, "let him deny himself" (Mat_16:24). Must be prepared to give up the riches, pleasures, and honours of the world, to find our all in Himself.
3. SEPARATION (Col_3:1-2). If we be risen with Christ our affections are risen out of the world with Him. Outside the camp; not of the world. "Transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Rom_12:2).
4. SUFFERING (1Pe_2:20-21). If any man will live godly he must suffer. The world which hated Christ will not love His friends (Joh_15:15-19). Here we have fellowship with His suffering; by and by with His glory.
5. PROGRESS. We cannot be standing still while we are walking. "The path of the just is as the shining light, shining more and more unto the perfect day." The sphere of this walk is in the heavenlies. We mount up as on eagle wings; then, when we are up, we run and are not weary, walk and are not faint. Don’t believe in the coming-down theory.
II. The Christian’s Companion in the Walk.
It has been said, "A crowd is not company: one good companion makes good company." We have-
1. A DIVINE COMPANION (2Co_6:16). While sceptics are crying out, "Where is God?" the Christian is walking with Him day by day.
2. AN ALMIGHTY COMPANION (Gen_17:1). Surely these words should hush every doubt, silence every complaint, and calm every fear.
3. A PLEASANT COMPANION (Amo_3:3). The pleasures of companionship depend largely upon our oneness of purpose and feeling. What a blessing to be agreed with God-one in heart and purpose.
4. AN EVER-PRESENT COMPANION (Psa_116:9). "Lo, I am with you always." "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." He is "a present help in the time of need" (Psa_46:1).
5. A CLOSE COMPANION (2Co_6:16). No earthly friend can be so near as He. Not only does He walk with us, but He dwells in us.
6. A FAITHFUL COMPANION (Heb_11:5). He takes his companions with Him. "Where I am, there shall My servants be." He is a Friend that loveth at all times.
7. A COMFORTING COMPANION (Psa_23:4). He knows how to speak a word to him that is weary. His rod and staff-strange comforters in the eyes of the world- comfort us.
8. AN EXEMPLARY COMPANION (1Jn_2:6). We are to walk as He walked. How did He walk? He walked by faith, and always did those things which pleased the Father.
III. The Manner of the Christian’s Walk.
1. IT SHOULD BE BY FAITH (2Co_5:7). We received Christ Jesus by faith, and we are to walk in Him as we received Him. It is neither by sight nor feeling, but by faith, as He walked.
2. IN NEWNESS OF LIFE (Rom_6:4). As risen with Christ, we are to show forth this newness of life by seeking those things which are above, and turning not back to the sins of the old life (2Pe_1:9).
3. WITH HUMILITY (Mic_6:8). If we continually realise with whom we walk, it will surely constrain us to "walk in the fear of the Lord."
4. IN THE SPIRIT (Gal_5:16). The best way to keep tares out of the bushel is to fill it with wheat. Abide by the law of the Spirit and you will not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.
5. IN HIS TRUTH (Psa_86:11). According to the truth of God. Jesus Christ Himself is the Truth; let His Word dwell in you richly.
6. IN LOVE (Eph_5:2). If we walk with Him who loved us and gave Himself for us, it much becomes us to walk in love.
7. IN WISDOM (Col_4:5). This is needed, when we remember those who are without, and how they watch our steps and read the book of our lives.
8. WORTHY OF GOD (1Th_2:12). That is, worthy of God who is calling you and walking with you. One false step might bring His Holy Name into dishonour. "Hold Thou up my goings" (Psa_17:5)
IV. The Privileges of the Christian Walker. He is-
1. RECONCILED (Amo_3:3). There can be no fellowship without agreement. Justified, and at peace with God. Old things have passed away.
2. CLEANSED (Isa_35:8-9). Only the clean can walk the way of holiness. The path of the redeemed is the path of righteousness. Abiding with Him, His blood keeps cleansing (1Jn_1:9).
3. INDWELT (2Co_6:16). Possessed by Him with whom we walk. Blessed mystery; a secret the unrenewed cannot know.
4. ILLUMINED (Psa_84:11). Not only walking in the light of His favour, but having the light of the knowledge of God shining in the heart. Children of the light.
5. DELIVERED FROM FEARS, FROM INIQUITY (Psa_119:3-45). In His good company we are saved from much bad company.
6. COMFORTED (Act_9:31). The comforting Spirit walks with those who walk with God, taking the things of Christ and showing them to them.
7. HAPPY (Psa_128:1). Happy is every one who walketh in His ways. His ways are ways of pleasantness. Miserable, says the wicked spirit. Happy, says the Holy Spirit.
8. HONOURED (Rev_3:4). They that walk in the light shall walk in white. They journey to a land where there is no night. Shall they weep again? No, never; but shall reign with Him for ever (Rev_20:5).
Autor: James Smith