"The exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all" (Eph_1:19-21).

"I also labour, striving according to His working, which worketh in me mightily" (Col_1:29).

"When I am weak, then am I strong" (2Co_12:10).

This is a great thought, the invisible and Almighty God working in us-His believing people-and through us, accomplishing all the good purposes of His will. It is God who worketh in us, both to will and to do of His good pleasure (Php_2:13).

I. What God is able to do for us. He is-

1. Able to Save us (Heb_7:25). For this He came, for this was His Name called Jesus, for this He died and rose again. He saves from wrath, from sin, from the world, from self, from the Devil, and from death and the grave.

2. Able to Deliver us (Dan_3:17). He delivers by shutting the mouths of our enemies and quenching the violence of their fiery passions (Heb_11:33-34).

3. Able to Make us Stand (Php_3:21). This is a great comfort in these slippery days, when men will not endure sound doctrine. We will be able to stand if we are able so say, like Elijah, "The Lord God of Israel, before whom I stand" (1Ki_17:1).

4. Able to Keep us (Jud_1:24). He can even keep from stumbling. In Christ, we are kept in the Father’s hand, where no thief can steal. "Kept by the power of God through faith" (1Pe_1:5).

5. Able to Satisfy us (2Co_9:8). What a treasure is here! "All grace abounding toward you, that you always may have all-sufficiency in all things." Is it so with you? Why not? God is able-able to do exceeding abundantly.

6. Able to Raise us (Heb_11:19). He is able to keep that which we have committed unto Him-spirit, soul, and body. Joyful anticipation-this mortal shall put on immortality. What a change-a body like unto His own glorious body.

7. Able to present us Faultless (Jud_1:24). What a joy to Jesus! What a consolation to the Father! What a prospect and privilege for the Christian!

II. What God is able to do in us. He is-

1. Able to Dwell in us (Eph_3:17-20). Know ye not that your body is the temple of God, and that God dwelleth in you? Christ dwelling in us by His Spirit in the inner man is to be the power that worketh in us, as the sap worketh in the branch.

2. Able to Subdue (Php_3:21). If Christ reigns within, the enemies within will be subdued. He will subdue the lusts of the flesh, the fiery temper, and the hasty tongue.

3. Able to Succour (Heb_2:18). Temptations are common. If we are in fellowship with Christ we shall be succoured with His sympathy in the hour of trial. "He knows what sore temptations are."

4. Able to Strengthen (2Ti_4:17). Abiding in us by His Spirit, we are conscious of Him standing by us. A sense of His presence inspires with freshness and vigour.

5. Able to Build up (Act_20:32). The inner life and character need building up-the new man-whose builder and maker is God. He builds up the believer by revealing the truth through the Holy Spirit, which is able to build us up into the image of His Son (Col_2:7).

6. Able to Fill (Col_1:9). What a precious portion is ours, "Filled with the knowledge of His will" (Col_1:9); and again, "Be filled with the Spirit" (Eph_5:18). God has reserved to Himself the right to fill a human soul.

7. Able to Work (Heb_13:21). Sweet thought, that amidst all the stubborn material within He is able to work in us that which is pleasing in His sight. Yield all, and all will be well (1Jn_4:4).

III. What God is Able to Do Through Us. He is-

1. Able to Reveal (Gal_1:16). If His Son has been revealed in us, it is that He might be revealed through us. If the light hath shined in our hearts, it is that others might see it and glorify God (1Co_4:6). The treasure is put in the earthen vessel that the power may be of God.

2. Able to Reconcile (2Co_5:18-20). What a responsibility that God should commit unto us the word of reconciliation! What a privilege that God should, through our feeble ministry, reconcile sinners to Himself 1

3. Able to Minister (2Co_3:16). Able to serve others through His consecrated servants. May He give us the tongue of the wise to know how to speak a word to the weary!

4. Able to Overcome (Eph_6:11). Our defeat is His dishonour. When we, clothed with the armour of God, get the victory over the wiles of the Devil, it is Christ conquering through us.

5. Able to Bear Fruit (Col_1:10). Walking worthy of the Lord, He will make us fruitful in every good work. The vine needs the branches to bear its fruit, so Christ needs His people to show forth the riches of His grace (Joh_15:5).

6. Able to do His Own Pleasure (Php_2:13). God worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure. He is shut out from the hearts of the ungodly, but may His will be done in us as it is done in Heaven. We are "workers together with Him" (2Co_6:1). We "dwell with the King for His Work" (1Ch_4:23).

"Oh, to be filled with life divine;

Oh, to be clothed with might;

Oh, to reflect my Lord, and shine

As shine the saints in light!"

Autor: James Smith