I. The State of the World. The world was made by Him (Joh_1:10)-Creation. Sin entered into the world (Rom_5:12)-Corruption. The whole world lieth in wickedness (1Jn_5:19)-Desolation. The devil is the god of the world (2Co_4:4), and in Mat_4:8 we see him offering to sell it.
II. The Hope of the World. God loved the world (Joh_3:16)-Compassion. "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" (Joh_1:29)- Substitution. That the world through Him might be saved (Joh_3:17)-Salvation. He is the propitiation for the sins of the world (1Jn_2:2).
III. The Need of the World. He will convince the world of sin (Joh_16:8)-Conviction. That all the world may become guilty (Rom_3:19)-Contrition. That the world may know Thou hast sent Me (Joh_17:23)- Confession. The gift of tongues at Pentecost is a proof that God desires all to hear and live. The message was for "every creature under Heaven" (Col_1:23).
IV. The Believer and the World. He is given to Christ out of the world (Joh_17:6)-Divinely separated. He is sent by Christ into the world (Joh_17:18)-Divinely commissioned. He is indwelt by Christ for the blessing of the world (Joh_17:23)-Divinely equipped.
Autor: James Smith