"Thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose Name is Holy, I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit" (Isa_57:15).

"Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them" (Exo_25:8). God’s delights were always with the sons of men. He dwelt with Adam in the garden, with Israel in the wilderness, in the temple among His worshippers, and in the Person of His Son. Now He abides in His believing people. The temple is a type of the body of Jesus (Joh_2:21), of the Church of Christ (Eph_2:21), and of the individual believer (1Co_3:16). In the tabernacle God walked with His people. In the temple His people dwelt with Him. Suggestive of the present and past dispensations. As a type of the believer we might look at-

I. The Building of the Temple.

1. The thought originated with God (Exo_25:8). God always takes the first step. "Chosen in Him before the foundation of the world."

2. The foundation was laid by God (1Co_3:11). Both the place and the stone were His own choosing. Man was helpless, and has no standing apart from "Redemption."

3. The material was unfit to begin with (1Ch_22:2-3). At that time ye were (1Co_6:9, 1Co_6:11), but ye are washed.

4. Some of the materials were won in battle (1Ch_26:27). Every thought is to be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

5. There was a great variety of materials. Gold, silver, brass, iron, wood, stone. All sorts. Many members, but one body; many gifts, but one Master.

6. The stones were prepared beforehand (1Ki_6:7). You hath He quickened who were dead, and now as lively stones are built up (1Pe_2:5).

7. They were fitly framed together (Eph_2:21). So we are builded together for an habitation of God (Eph_2:22). All one in Christ Jesus.

8. The temple was built according to a divine pattern (1 Chron. 28). Christ is the image of the invisible God, and believers are created anew after the image of Christ. "As He is, so are we."

II. The Purpose of the Temple. It was-

1. The habitation of God (Exo_25:8). Believers have been saved, not merely to be saved, but to be a spiritual house, indwelt by the Spirit of God.

2. The place in which God walked (2Co_6:16). As God walked in the tabernacle of old, so in grace doth He desire to walk in His people. "Ye are the temple of God." "I will dwell in them, and walk in them."

3. The place of holiness (Psa_93:5). If holiness becomes His house, surely holiness becomes His saints in whom He dwells. "Be holy for I am holy."

4. The place of peace. "In this place will I give peace" (Hag_2:9). Those indwelt by the Spirit of God have their hearts filled with the peace of God.

5. The place of strength and beauty (Psa_96:6). Strength of character and beauty of life characterise all who are filled with the Holy Spirit; they are strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man (Eph_3:16).

6. The place where His glory was revealed. "I will fill this house with glory (Hag_2:7), and will be the glory in the midst of her" (Zec_2:5). May Christ so dwell in our hearts by faith that we might be filled with all the fulness of God (see Eph_3:16, Eph_3:20).

7. The place where everything said "Glory" (Psa_29:9, R.V.). One would like to write more on this point, it is so full of meaning. Does everything in you and me say "Glory?" If everything has been given to Him it will.

III. The Possessing of the Temple. The temple was finished; man had done everything he could, but he could not fill it with glory. The glory of His presence-

1. Was needed in it (2 Chron. 7). It was still an empty house till He possessed it. Oh, may God fill us; we are empty indeed, with all our furniture, till He fills.

2. Filled it (2Ch_7:1). As soon as it was finished it was filled. We are possessed as soon as we are wholly yielded.

3. Transformed it. It became a spiritual house when possessed by God the Spirit (1Pe_2:5). Ye are not carnal but spiritual if God dwell in you.

4. Claimed it (Psa_132:14). If your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost ye are not your own (1Co_6:19). "Your body and your spirit, which are God’s."

5. Sanctified it (Psa_93:5). "The Lord hath set apart him that is godly for Himself" (Psa_4:3). "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God?" (1Co_3:16).

Autor: James Smith