The hearty servants of the world have their distinguishing marks; the true servant of Christ has his. He is-
I. Obedient. What wilt thou have me to believe rather than what wilt thou have me to do? seems to be the inquiry of many. The willing servant has always an open ear for the Master. "Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth." "My sheep hear My voice, and they follow Me." Among the babel of the world’s voices His voice will he obey (Jos_24:24). Christ pleased not Himself; the servant is not greater than his Lord. Many would rather mourn than follow. It is easier for the flesh to offer the sacrifice of tears than to obey; but obedience is better than sacrifice. Jesus, who hath left us an example, said: "I do always those things which please Him" (Joh_8:29). Are you ready to obey then, "Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it!" In 2Sa_15:15 we see servants ready for anything.
II. Diligent. The hand of the diligent maketh rich; the hand of the slothful is in his bosom. He that observeth the wind shall not sow; he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. "Sow beside all waters; be instant in season, out of season." The hand of a diligent servant searcheth for work. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it; and do it heartily as unto the Lord, for ye serve the Lord Christ. Do not trifle with the Lord’s work, for it is written, "Cursed is he that doeth the work of the Lord negligently" (Jer_48:10, margin). Do not hide your Lord’s money (gifts), remember the unprofitable servant was cast out (Mat_25:30). Serve the Lord with a pure conscience (2Ti_1:3).
III. Humble. "In honour, preferring one another" is to be the rule among the servants; the servant of the Lord must not strive (2Ti_2:24). Envy, like Miriam’s leprosy, totally unfits for service. Do we praise God as heartily for service rendered by others as by ourselves? If not, are we not seeking in some measure our own and not the Master’s glory? "Our highest place is lying low." Uzziah was marvellously helped till he was strong; but when he was strong pride and destruction followed (2Ch_26:15). The mark of Jacob, the wrestling victor, was a halt. The humble servant gives himself no place, that the Master be not robbed. Joseph, the faultless servant, said, "It is not in me." Paul, the successful servant, said, "Yet not I." Let us follow his example, serving the Lord with all humility of mind (Act_20:19).
IV. Persevering. Jacob served fourteen years for the object of his affection. "Ye shall reap if ye faint not." If the Master give us a work to do it should be ours faithfully to do it.Elijah sent his servant seven times with the one message, and he went and murmured not. It was not the servant’s place to make the cloud, not yet to despair at the seeming fruitlessness of his journeys; his duty was to go and look. How often the servant goes discouraged because he does not see signs of coming blessing. Does the Master send? Well, go again! Be assured that He hears the sound of abundance of rain. He shall not be discouraged (Isa_42:2). "Serve the Lord with gladness" (Psa_100:2).
V. Faithful. It is required of a servant that he be found faithful. I am thankful that it is not that he be found successful, and yet every one that "serves with a perfect heart and a willing mind" (1Ch_28:9) will be successful according to the Master’s reckoning, though others may brand it as a failure. The servant is to be faithful with the few things, "the little that a man hath." He that hath only one pound will not be responsible for ten. Nothing is trifling that is done for Him; the cup of cold water will not lose its reward. Eternity gives dignity to the lowliest service. "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life."
VI. Courageous. Be of good courage, be strong and very courageous. Moses as a servant was very courageous when he demanded of Pharaoh the surrender of all Israel. He was a bold ambassador. Well he knew that he was not sent to warfare on his own charges. His authority was, "I AM" hath sent me. Why are ye fearful? "Lo, I am with you." Well may the servant tremble that goeth forth in his own name, instead of having the "Thus saith the Lord." Would that all God’s servants had the courage to make the same demand of the world that the Master makes: entire surrender, entire separation, entire consecration. Add to your faith courage.
VII. Devoted. In Exo_21:1-6 we have the confession of the devoted servant. "I love my Master; I will not go free." That which is devoted to the Lord shall not be redeemed. Ye are not your own, for ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God. The constraining power is the love of Christ, our Master. We love Him because He first loved us. The Levites were called to serve at the age Cf twenty-five and were discharged at fifty. They gave the best of their lives to God. God requires the best, He is worthy. Many live in the expectation of doing God a favour by presenting Him a worthless, wasted life when they are going to die. "Present your bodies a living sacrifice unto God, which is your reasonable service" (Rom_12:1).
VIII. Uncompromising. First, with the world. Pharaoh said, "Go, but ye shall not go very far. Go, but leave your little ones and your flocks." The servant’s answer was as emphatic as a thunderbolt, "Not a hoof shall be left behind." Let us build with you, says the world; but the whole-hearted servant answered, "Ye have nothing to do with us to build," etc. (Ezr_4:3). "Come down to the plain of Ono." The response of Nehemiah was, "I cannot come down." Jephthah said, "I have opened my mouth unto the Lord, and I cannot draw back." Let us not be among those that draw back. Second, with sin. The command given to Israel was, "Drive out," "Destroy," "Dispossess." Every spared enemy is a spared trouble, every unconquered sin is an enemy in the camp. The compromising Saul spared Agag, but the uncompromising Samuel hewed him in pieces. So let us do with every hidden sin. "Crucify the old man with his lusts." As servants let us stand on the dignity of God’s Word, and "dwell with the King for His work." Then others will be constrained to say, "Happy are these Thy servants." Remember that the eyes of the Master are on us. "I know thy service" (Rev_2:19).
Autor: James Smith