If we are not filled up out of all the fullness of God it is not because He hath covered the well of His grace or barred the door of entrance into the unsearchable riches of Christ. "Behold I set before you an open door." The Holy Spirit is continually beckoning us on to a deeper experience and fuller enjoyment of "the things that are freely given us of God" (1Co_2:12-13). It is His good pleasure to give you the kingdom. The whole land of the purchase of the blood of Christ is before you. Go in and possess it. There are several doors into this blessed life, and they are each open for all.
I. The Door of Promise. "I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely" (Rev_21:6). To be brought into contact with the unfailing and eternal fountain of refreshing is surely the guarantee of perpetual freshness and satisfaction. "I will pour water upon him that is athirst" (see Joh_4:14). "My God shall supply all your need" (Php_4:19).
II. The Door of Prayer. "He that cometh to God must believe that He is… a Rewarder" (Heb_11:6). Prayer is worthless when it is only a speculation or experiment. If we would be rewarded by our coming to God we "must believe." Only those who search for God with all their hearts find Him (Jer_29:13). To find our all in God is the reward of our diligently seeking Him. The secret seeker shall be openly rewarded with increased power and fruitfulness. "Seek and ye shall find" not only salvation, but a supply for the deep needs of our daily life (2Co_9:8; Psa_84:11).
III. The Door of Faith. "According to your faith be it unto you" (Mat_9:29). Here is another avenue into this large place of fullness of blessing. "Whatsoever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive, and ye shall have" (Mat_11:24). The waverer receives nothing (Jam_1:6-7). God cannot honour distrust, for distrust dishonours God. The Israelites had to claim the land with their feet (Jos_1:3). Believe, and thou shalt see. Trust, and thou shalt triumph.
IV. The Door of Communion. "If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you" (Joh_15:7). We cannot but ask things according to His will when His Word is abiding in us. In fellowship with Him the soul grows up into His likeness, and so becomes more and more fit to receive and rejoice in the "fullness of Him that filleth all in all" (Eph_1:23). Therefore, "let the Word of God dwell in you richly" (Col_3:16; Psa_119:11).
V. The Door of Self-denial. "There is no man that hath left house, or parents, etc., who shall not receive manifiold more in this present time" (Luk_18:29-30). Self-denial for the kingdom of God’s sake leads into the sphere of increased possessions, both spiritual and temporal, both in time and eternity. Love of the world and selfish ease hinders many of God’s children from the enjoyment of "the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ" (Mat_6:22). Why should we be afraid to prove the profitableness of godliness (1Ti_4:8).
VI. The Door of Invitation. "If any man thirst let him come unto Me and drink" (Joh_7:37). This includes thirsty saints as well as thirsty sinners. The thirsty saints are the most numerous. As the day of His appearing draws nigh the desire on the part of God’s hidden ones for a holier and more useful life is being intensified. This cry of Jesus on the last day of the feast is specially suited for these last days, "Come to Me, and believe on Me, and out of you shall flow rivers of living water." Satisfied and running over (Psa_23:5; Pro_18:4).
VII. The Door of Obedience. "Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed" (Heb_11:8). If ye are "willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the land" (Isa_1:19). The obedient soul has always a good appetite and plenty to eat. "Good success have all they that do His commandments" (Psa_111:10, margin). The whole land of infinite grace is before thee, enter in and possess it. In obeying the truth ye shall purify your soul (1Pe_1:22), and so be fitted to drink of the pure rivers of life and be abundantly satisfied (see Joh_10:10, r. v. ).
Autor: James Smith