In connection with the Christian life there are two kinds of power mentioned in the Word of God; or, perhaps it would be more correct to say that this power is seen acting in a twofold manner.
1. We receive power to become sons by receiving Jesus Christ (Joh_1:12).
2. We receive power to become witnesses by receiving the Holy Ghost (Act_1:8). Both are gifts. The Son is the gift of the Father, the Holy Ghost is the gift of the Father and of the Son. Through our willing surrender to Christ the power of sonship becomes ours. So through our entire surrender to the Holy Ghost the power of witnessing becomes ours. The Tabernacle was filled with the glory of God only after all had been consecrated to Him (Exo_40:33-38). It was when Jesus had given Himself publicly to do the will of God the Father that the Holy Spirit came upon Him. It was when the disciples had yielded themselves up to the will of their Lord, in tarrying at Jerusalem, that the Holy Ghost came upon them. Power belongeth unto God; the Holy Spirit is God. We cannot receive the power of the Holy Ghost apart from His own presence any more than we can enjoy the light and heat of the sun apart from the presence of the sun itself. To be filled with power means to be filled with God. This word power gives us in a concrete form the energetic character of the Spirit of God. His presence in the believing soul is all subduing and overcoming. The indwelling Spirit manifests His character in different ways.
I. He Comforts. "The Comforter which is the Holy Ghost" (Joh_14:26). Jesus said, "If I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you" (Joh_16:7). The Holy Ghost, as the Comforter, could not come until Christ had finished His work and reappeared before the Father. There could be no comfort from God till redemption was finished and an end made of sin. The Holy Ghost does not give comfort so much as He Himself is the Comforter. The very fact of His presence in our hearts as an Ambassador from Heaven gives us an assurance of peace and that all is well. "Grieve not the Holy Spirit" (Eph_4:30).
II. He Teaches. "The Holy Ghost, He shall teach you all things" (Joh_14:26). "He will guide you into all truth." "Ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things" (1Jn_2:20). This Great Teacher come from God does not speak of Himself, but of Him who sent Him. "He shall take of Mine and show it unto you." The sphere of His teaching is "all truth," not the speculations of men. While He is abiding in us the holy anointing of His presence rests on our spirits, giving us a quick understanding, and making the things of Christ so really our own that we know all things needful for us to know. The Holy Spirit teaches us by enabling us to enter into the experience of those very things revealed. This is being taught of God, who teacheth savingly and to profit. There is only one way into the truth of God, and the Holy Spirit alone can guide us into it.
III. He gives Liberty. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty" (2Co_3:17). "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death" (Rom_8:2). The power of the Holy Ghost within breaks the fetters of fear, delivers from the bondage of the love of sin, and the slavery of worldly-mindedness. It is quite possible to be a sow of God and yet not be in the full enjoyment of the liberty of sons. The liberty of the Spirit is the liberty of entire self-forgetfulness because of the soul-ravishing views of the things of God. "Oh, if I could only forget self," said a preacher. You would if you were more taken up with Christ, and you would be more taken up with Christ if you were more fully in the hands of the Holy Spirit. He gives liberty.
IV. He Fills the Heart with the Love of God. "The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost" (Rom_5:5). "The fruit of the Spirit is love" (Gal_5:22). Fruit is the outcome of fullness. The love of God shed abroad in our hearts is the fruit of the fullness of the Spirit of God in the heart. The love of God. What love is this? It is the love that flooded the soul of the Lord Jesus, constraining Him to weep over Jerusalem, and to give Himself a sacrifice for sinners. It was the love of God. This love is shed abroad in our hearts, over all the hills and valleys of our experiences. Do you see all your trials, afflictions, and successes in the light of the love of God? The Holy Spirit is able to fill our hearts with the love of God because He is God and dwells in us.
V. He maketh Intercession for us. "The Spirit helpeth our infirmities and maketh intercession for us according to the will of God" (Rom_8:26-27). The Holy Ghost does not help our sins, but our infirmities. Our prayers and our work for God are all infirm apart from the help of the Holy Spirit. He intercedes within us and for us, and His groanings and pleadings are according to the will of God. Let us so trust this heavenly helper that when we pray or preach we may realise that it is not we that speak, but the Spirit of the Father that "speaketh in us" (Mat_10:19-20).
VI. He Enables us to Maintain Communion. "The communion of the Holy Ghost be with you" (2Co_13:14). The atmosphere about us enables us to enjoy the presence of the sun above us. So the Holy Ghost with us keeps us in fellowship with the Father and the Son. There can be no communion with the Father or the Son when the Holy Spirit is grieved (1Jn_1:7). As grace belongs to Jesus Christ and love to God, so communion belongs to the Holy Ghost, because He is the Spirit both of the Father and of the Son. Honour Him.
VII. He Gives Power to Witness. "Ye shall receive power when the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses" (Act_1:8, R. V. ). Ye are His witnesses, so is also the Holy Ghost. "The Holy Spirit was not yet given, because that Christ was not yet glorified" (Joh_7:39). He has now been given, and so He is the great Witness to the resurrection and exaltation of Jesus as the Son of God. All true witness-bearing must be in the power of the Holy Ghost. It is not your words, but your power, that bears witness to the risen Saviour (1Co_4:19). Sermons may be thoughtful and eloquent, yet utterly useless as a witness unless they are in the power of the Holy Ghost. God never expects a powerless Christian to honour the Name of the Almighty Christ. "Tarry at Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high" (Luk_24:49). If the apostles needed this so do we.
VIII. His Presence in us gives the Assurance of Victory. "Ye shall overcome, because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world" (1Jn_4:4). The Holy Ghost is in us, and the prince of darkness is in the world (Joh_12:31). "We wrestle," not against flesh and blood-not men, not even wicked men-"but against principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness of this world" (Eph_6:12). These forces of evil are infinitely too great for us, but "greater is He that is in you." Our warfare, as well as our witnessing, must be in the power of the Holy Spirit, or it will be unavailing.
IX. He Worketh in us that which is Pleasing to God.
"It is God (Holy Ghost) that worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure" (Php_2:13). "Working in you that which is well-pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ (Heb_13:21). The only life worth living is a life well-pleasing in His sight, and this not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord. To this end have we been redeemed; for this purpose the Spirit of God has come that we might live holy, blameless, victorious, and God-pleasing lives. This is achieved, not by our striving, but through His working in us. My soul, be thou as clay in the hands of this Divine Potter, and He will work this great and good work in thee.
Autor: James Smith