While our Lord was on earth He taught as a prophet; while He tarries in Heaven He intercedes as a priest; when He comes again it will be as a King in power and great glory. "In His times He will show who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords" (1Ti_6:15). These are not His times with regard to this weary, wicked earth; this is the "hour and power of darkness" (Luk_22:53). The whole world lieth in the wicked one. During this day of salvation God is by the Holy Ghost, through the atoning death of His Son, rescuing all who believe from out of the kingdom of Satan and the guilt of sin. That Jesus will yet be King over all the earth is clearly taught in the infallible Scriptures of Truth.

I. Look at the Prophecies. In Psa_72:6-9 we read: "He shall come down; in His days shall the righteous flourish. He shall have dominion from sea to sea." If He rules on earth now, where is His authority? Again, in Isa_9:6-7, "Unto us a Child is born, and the government shall be upon His shoulder;… upon the throne of David." In His times the "wolf shall dwell with the lamb" (Isa_11:1-6) "Thou, Bethlehem, out of thee shall come a Governor that shall rule My people" (Mat_2:6). This Governor came, but they would not have Him to reign over them; they put the Prince of Peace to death, and so put an end to His government meanwhile. Christ was born a King. "Where is He that is born King of the Jews" (Mat_2:2), and was crucified as such. Pilate wrote the truth when he put over the cross, "This is the King of theJews"(Mat_27:37).

II. Look at the Angelic Announcement. "Glory to God in the Highest, on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" (Luk_2:14). This was sung at the birth of the King, and in prospect of a universal kingdom of peace. But that it has not yet come we are not ill to convince. The God of Glory does not get the highest place in the world’s business; there is not peace on the earth; the goodwill of God is not being manifested among men. Wars, and rumours of wars, labour conflicts, social strifes, and restlessness all bear evidence that God’s appointed Ruler has been rejected by man.

III. Look at the Prayer Christ Taught His Disciples. "When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven" (Luk_11:2)-all this before one request was offered. It is the purpose of God that His kingdom and rule should come among men, and that His will should be done on earth as it is done in Heaven. The will of God is perfectly done in Heaven, because the perfect Ruler is there. It will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven when the Divine Governor-the King of kings-has His throne here over the earth; then every knee shall bow to Him, confessing Him Lord. "He shall sit upon the throne of His father David."

IV. Look at His Parables. Several of the parables make mention of the "Coming of the King," notably that one of the "nobleman" (Luke 19). Jesus Christ is the Nobleman. He goes into the far country to receive a kingdom, and to return. In Dan_7:13-14 the Son of Man is seen receiving the kingdom, that "all people, nations, and languages shall serve Him." When He returns He reckons with His servants, rewarding them with earthly privileges-"rulers over cities," they shall inherit the earth. And punishing His enemies-those who would not that He should reign over them.

V. Look at His Answer to Pilate. "Art Thou a King then?" (Joh_18:37). If ever there was a moment when Christ might desire to deny His Kingship it is now, as He stands a prisoner. Mocked and helpless, crowned with thorns before Pilate, when this question was put what is His answer? "To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world" (Joh_18:37). In giving this answer our Lord looks right into the future, and for the joy that is set before Him He endures the cross. Just now His kingdom is not of this world (this present state of things); it is within you. But He shall yet put down all authority, and reign from sea to sea. "He shall see of the travail of His soul, and be satisfied" (Isa_53:11). He was "born a Saviour," but He was also "bora King of the Jews." He had not where to lay His head; but He shall yet be King of kings. He appears as a "wayfaring man" to put away sin; when He comes again it will be the glorious appearing of our Great God and Saviour. He shall come whose right it is to reign. "Even so, come, Lord Jesus" (Rev_22:20).

Autor: James Smith