There are two great wonders in the world-the Jew and the Church. The first is a witness to the Christ rejected; the second to the Christ risen.
I. Its Marvellous Character.
1. It is a Distinct Body. There is the Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God (1Co_10:32). The Church is neither Jew nor Gentile, although both may be in it. The Jew looks for a coming Messiah; the Church for a Bridegroom. The Gentile cares for none of these things.
2. It is His Own Making. "Upon this Rock I will build My Church" (Mat_16:18). He Himself, as the Christ, the Son of the Living God, is the foundation laid in Zion-a stone tried, precious, and sure (Isa_28:16). He also does the building by His Holy Spirit, planting believing souls into Himself, as living stones into the living foundation. It is God that worketh in you.
3. It is Called out for His Own Name. "God did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for His Name" (Act_15:14). The Church of God, like His people of old, have been formed for Himself to show forth His praise (Isa_43:21). This work of out calling has been committed to the Holy Ghost, is going on just now, and will continue until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. Make your calling sure.
4. It is Filled with His Fulness (Eph_1:22-23). Each individual member of His body is brought into contact with the power and wisdom of the Great Head. Grow up into Him in all things (Eph_4:15). All fulness dwells in Him. Abide in Him. The world cannot see the invisible head, but it does look upon His visible body. How needful that it should be true to Him!
II. Its Present Privileges.
1. It Occupies till He Comes (Luk_19:12-15). It has been left in the place of service, entrusted with gifts, to be used during the Lord’s absence, and to be accounted for when He comes. Its true position is "In Christ’s stead" (2Co_5:20), occupying Christ’s place till He come. Is the mind and purpose of our absent Lord being fulfilled in us now? Are we occupying for Him, or for ourselves?
2. It Suffers for Him. Suffering is part of the heritage of the Christian. "Even hereunto were ye called" (1Pe_2:20-21). If any man will live godly he must suffer. The members of the body are so closely connected with the rejected head that they must suffer. Blessed fellowship. "If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ, happy are ye, for the Spirit of Glory and of God resteth upon you. Therefore glorify God on this behalf" (1Pe_4:14-16).
3. It is a Co-Worker with Him (2Co_6:1). "Labourers together with God" (1Co_3:9). Surely the members of the body ought to labour together with the head. What if they should not? If the service of the hand or foot is not controlled by and in harmony with the will of the head, what is it worth? As Eve was to be an helpmeet to Adam, so the Church is to be to Christ. His will is to be done in us and through us. The head has no other means of working but by the use of the members of the body.
III. Its Future Prospects.
1. It Looks for Him. He has said, "I will come again." "This same Jesus shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go" (Act_1:11). They wait for His Son from Heaven (1Th_1:10). The Bride longs for the Bridegroom. Love yearns for fellowship.
2. It Expects to be Caught up by Him. The Lord Himself shall descend, and we shall be caught up together to meet the Lord (1Th_4:16). In olden times powerful men would steal away their brides. It will be a rapturous experience to be caught up in the arms of our Beloved and borne to the home of eternal rest.
3. It Expects to be Made like Him. "We look for the Saviour, who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body" (Php_3:20-21). We are to be like Him now in the inward spirit, fashioned by the Holy Spirit. Like Him then in outward form, when the sons of God are manifested (1Jn_3:1-3).
4. It Expects to be Married to Him. "The marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready" (Rev_19:7). Just now the Church, like Rebekah, is on her way through the desert to meet and marry the Father’s beloved Son, into whose hands all things have been committed (Gen. 24).
5. It Expects to Reign with Him. "They shall reign with Him" (Rev_20:6). "Know ye not that the saints shall judge the world" (1Co_6:2). "Thou hast made us unto our God kings and priests, and we shall reign on the earth" (Rev_5:10). What a high calling this is! He that hath this hope in him purifieth Himself, as He is pure, a hope that maketh not ashamed.
Autor: James Smith