It is interesting to notice how the image of God is connected with four prominent men in the Scriptures. Observe-
I. The Image of God Created in the First Man. "The first man Adam was made a living soul" (1Co_15:45). "God created man in His own image" (Gen_1:26). He did not rest satisfied until His own likeness was manifested. This was the great end of creation, to reproduce the image of Him who created. The first man was to save all who believe (1Ti_4:10); He came like God-
1. In being a Spirit. His life was a separate thing from the mere animal creation. God created the beasts, but He did not breathe into them the breath of His own life, as He did to man. Adam only was capable of knowing God.
2. In being Immortal. The deeper and more real life of Adam was independent of outward and material things. In receiving the breath of God he was a partaker of the divine.
3. In being Holy. He was, as yet, an utter stranger to anything unlike or displeasing to God.
4. In being Satisfied. Between the Holy Creator and the new created likeness there was perfect harmony and mutual delight. God saw Himself in man, and man saw himself in God. In each other’s image there was complete satisfaction.
5. In having Dominion. Adam was the crown’ of creation, exalted high over all, ruling in the power and authority of the Almighty Maker of all.
II. The Image of God Destroyed in the Old Man.
In Eph_4:22 we are told, "Put off the old man, which is corrupt." Compare the first new man Adam with this old man. What a change! Where is the holiness, the happiness, and the harmony? Sin has poisoned and polluted all. Nothing left but an immortal spirit at war with God. This old man is so utterly ruined that there is no hope for him. We are to put him off with his deeds (Col_3:9). Where are we to put him? The only place fit for him is the cross. "Your old man is crucified with Him" (Rom_6:6). The absence of the image of God means corruption and death.
III. The Image of God Manifested in the Second Man.
"The Second Man is the Lord from Heaven" (1Co_15:47). As if all who came between were unworthy of the Name. In Jesus Christ the image of God reappears in perfect beauty. He is the brightness of the Father’s glory, and the express image of His Person (Heb_1:3). He is the image of the invisible God (Col_1:15). Man lost the holy likeness; God alone could restore it. When we see Jesus we see the Father, and see what man should have been and what man should be, walking in holiness and in humble, joyful, unbroken fellowship with God. Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost. By His death, resurrection, and holy Spirit He renews, restores, and rejoices.
IV. The Image of God restored in the New Man.
"And have put on the New Man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him" (Col_3:10) We put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom_13:14), and are created in Christ Jesus (Eph_2:10). "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature" (2Co_5:17).
Take note that this restoration work can only be done by the God whose image is to be created, and that it is a creation rather than a reformation. Those who go about to establish their own righteousness will never establish themselves in the likeness of God. This is not a matter of so many deeds or actions, but a renewing of the spirit of the mind by the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit, "Ye must be born again" (Joh_3:7). Let your prayer be, "Create in me a clean heart, 0 God, and renew a right spirit within me"(Psa_51:10).
Autor: James Smith