Zoheleth, Stone of
By Enrogel (1Ki 1:9). Here Adonijah slew sheep and oxen when seeking the throne. The targums make it “the roiling stone,” which youths tried to roll, displaying their strength (Jarchi); others “the stone of the conduit” (mazchelah), from its nearness to the rock conduits that poured into Siloam; Bochart from zohel “a slow motion,” the fullers here pressing out the water dropping from the clothes which they had washed in the well Rogel, as they do to the present day. Ganneau finds in the village of Siloam a rocky plateau, its western face cut perpendicularly, with rude steps up it, which the natives call ez Zehweile, like Zoheleth.
Fuente: Fausset’s Bible Dictionary
Zoheleth, Stone Of
ZOHELETH, STONE OF.An object mentioned in connexion with the attempt of Adonijah upon the throne of Israel (1Ki 1:9). It was near the spring Enrogel, which is supposed to be the Virgins Fountain in the Kidron valley. Its name (serpents stone or brilliant stone) has not been explained, but it was evidently a sacred rock or stone.
H. L. Willett.