

Heb. Ziza’, , abundance [Gesen.] or shining [Furst]; Sept. or ), the name of two men. SEE ZIZA.

1. Third named of the four obis of Rehoboam by Maachall the granddaughter of Absalom (2Ch 11:20). B.C. post 973.

2. Son of Seiphisad one of the chiefs of the Simeonites, who in the reign of Ilezekiah made a raid upon the peaceable Hamite shepherds of Gedor and smote them, because there was pasture there for their flocks (1Ch 4:37). B.C. cir. 725.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature


splendour; abundance. (1.) A Simeonite prince (1 Chr. 4:37-43).

(2.) A son of Rehoboam (2 Chr. 11:20).

Fuente: Easton’s Bible Dictionary


1. Son of Shiphi, chief of Simeon; in Hezekiah’s time made an inroad upon the peaceable Hamite shepherds of Gedor (1Ch 4:37, etc.), destroyed them utterly, and dwelt in their room “because there was pasture there for their flocks.”

2. Son of Rehoboam and Maachah (2Ch 11:20).

Fuente: Fausset’s Bible Dictionary


ZIZA.1. A Simeonite chief (1Ch 4:37). 2. A son of Rehoboam (2Ch 11:20).

Fuente: Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible


zza (, zza’, probably a childish reduplicated abbreviation or a term of endearment (Curtis, Chron., 369, quoting Noldeke in EB, III 3294)):

(1) A Simeonite chief (1Ch 4:37).

(2) A son of King Rehoboam, his mother being a daughter or grand-daughter of Absalom (2Ch 11:20).

(3) A probable reading for ZIZAH (which see).

Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia



1. Son of Shiphi, a Simeonite. 1Ch 4:37.

2. Son of Rehoboam king of Judah. 2Ch 11:20.

Fuente: Concise Bible Dictionary



1. A Simeonite

1Ch 4:37

2. Son of Rehoboam

2Ch 11:20

Fuente: Nave’s Topical Bible


Zi’za. (shining).

1. Son of Shiphi, a chief of the Simeonites, in the reign of Hezekiah. 1Ch 4:37. (B.C. About 725).

2. Son of Rehoboam, by Maachah, the granddaughter of Absalom. 2Ch 11:20. (B.C. after 973).

Fuente: Smith’s Bible Dictionary