Zipser, Maier
chief rabbi at Stuhlweissenburg and afterwards at Rechnitz, in Hungary, was born August 14, 1815, and died December 10, 1870. He contributed largely to the Literaturblatt des Orients from 1846 to 1850, Ben- Chananja, and the Jewish Chronicle, published in London. His contributions to the latter periodical, headed “The Talmud and the Gospels,” which were called forth by Mr. Newdegate in the British House of Commons, when he opposed the admission of Jews into Parliament, were published separately under the title, The Sermon on the Mount (Lond. 1852). After his death, Dr. A. Jellinek published his Des Flavius Josephus’ Werk “Ueber das hohe Alter des jud. Volkes gegen Apion” nach hebr. Originalquellen erlautert… (Wien, 1871). See Maier Zipser, eine Biographie, in the Beth el-Ehrentempel verdienter ungarischer Israeliten, by Ig. Reich (Pesth, 1862, 4 Heft), pages 1-30; Furst, Bibl. Jud. 3:552 sq. (B.P.)