A valiant Ephraimite prince, general of Pekah king of Israel in the war with Ahaz, 2Ch 28:7 . He is perhaps the man called “Tabeal’s son,” Isa 8:6, whom Rezin and Pekah proposed to make king of Judah.
Fuente: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary
(Heb. Zikr , umy memorial or memzorable; Sept. v.r. , , , and even sometimes , ; Vulg. Zechri), the name of numerous Hebrews.
1. Last named of the three sons of Izhar the son of Kohath of the tribe of Levi (Exo 6:21, where most editions of the A.V. incorrectly have Zithri). B.C. cir. 1658.
2. Second named of the nine sons of Shimhi of the tribe of Benjamin (1Ch 8:19). B.C. cir. 1612.
3. Fifth named of the eleven sons of Shashak of the tribe of Benjamin (1Ch 8:23). B.C. cir. 1612.
4. Last named of the six sons of Jeroham of the, tribe of Benjamin (1Ch 8:27). B.C. cir. 1612. 5. A son of Asaph and father of Micah (1Ch 9:15); elsewhere called Zabdi (Neh 11:17) and Zaccur (Neh 12:35).
6. A descendant of Eliezer the son of Moses, being son of Joram and father of the treasurer Shelomith (1Ch 26:25). B.C. ante 1043.
7. The father of Eliezer, which latter was chief of the Reubenites in David’s reign (1Ch 27:16). B.C. ante 1043.
8. A Judahite whose son Amasiah volunteered at the head of 200,000 men in Jehoshaphat’s army (2Ch 17:16). B.C. 909.
9. Father of Elishaphat, which latter was one of the conspirators with Jehoiada to restore Joash (2Ch 23:1). B.C. ante 876.
10. An Ephraimitish chief in the invading army of Pekah the son of Remaliah (2Ch 28:7). B.C. cir. 734. It seems that he took advantage of the victory of this monarch over the army of Judah to penetrate into Jerusalem, where he slew one of the sons of Ahaz, the governor of the palace, and the king’s chief minister or favorite. SEE AHAZ; SEE PEKAH. There is some probability in the conjecture that he was the Tabael’s son whom Pekah and Rezin designed to set upon the throne of Judah (Isa 7:6). SEE TABAEL.
11. Father of Joel, which latter was superintendent of the Benjamites after the return from Babylon (Neh 11:9). B.C. ante 536.
12. A priest of the family of Abijah in the days of the high-priest Joiakim the son of Jeshua (Neh 12:17). B.C. cir. 480.
Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
remembered; illustrious. (1.) A Benjamite chief (1 Chr. 8:19).
(2.) Another of the same tribe (1 Chr. 8:23).
Fuente: Easton’s Bible Dictionary
(“famous”; not as KJV, ZITHRI).
1. Son of Izhar (Exo 6:21).
2. A Benjamite, of the sons of Shimhi (1Ch 8:19).
3. A Benjamite, of the sons of Shashak (1Ch 8:23).
4. Of the sons of Jeroham (1Ch 8:27).
5. Son of Asaph (1Ch 9:15).
6. Descended from Moses’ son Eliezer (1Ch 26:25).
7. Father of Eliezer, the chief of Reuben under David (1Ch 27:16).
8. Of Judah; his son Amasiah commanded 200,000 under Jehoshaphat (2Ch 17:16).
9. Father of Elishaphat, Jehoiada’s helper against Athaliah.
10. An Ephraimite mighty man under Pekah, who slew in battle Maaseiah Ahaz’ son, Azrikam prefect of the palace, and Elkanah next to the king (2Ch 28:7).
11. Father of Joel (Neh 11:9).
12. A priest of Abijah’s family, contemporary of Joiakim, Jeshua’s son (Neh 12:17).
Fuente: Fausset’s Bible Dictionary
ZICHRI.1. A grandson of Kohath (Exo 6:21, misspelt in modern edd. of AV [Note: Authorized Version.] Zithri, although ed. of 1611 has correctly Zichri). 2, 3, 4, 5. Four Benjamites (1Ch 8:19; 1Ch 8:23; 1Ch 8:27, Neh 11:9). 6. An Asaphite (1Ch 9:15 || Neh 11:17 [see Zabdi, No. 4]). 7. A descendant of Eliezer (1Ch 26:25). 8. A Reubenite (1Ch 27:16). 9. A Judahite (2Ch 17:16). 10. Father of a captain in Jehoiadas time (2Ch 23:1). 11. A mighty man of Ephraim (2Ch 28:7). 12. A priest (Neh 12:17).
Fuente: Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible
zikr (, zikhr, meaning uncertain):
(1) Levites: (a) grandson of Kohath (Exo 6:21, where some the King James Version editions read wrongly, Zithri); (b) an Asaphite (1Ch 9:15), called Zabdi in Neh 11:17, where the Septuagint’s Codex Alexandrinus has , Zechr = Zichri, but the Septuagint’s Codex Vaticanus other names; see ZABDI, (4); (c) a descendant of Eliezer (1Ch 26:25).
(2) Benjamites: (a) 1Ch 8:19; (b) 1Ch 8:23; (c) 1Ch 8:27; (d) Neh 11:9.
(3) Father of Eliezer, who was one of David’s tribal princes (1Ch 27:16).
(4) Father of Amasiah, who willingly offered himself unto Yahweh (2Ch 17:16).
(5) Father of Elishaphat, a captain in Jehoiada’s time (2Ch 23:1).
(6) A mighty man of Ephraim, who when fighting under Pekah slew the son of Ahaz, the king of Judah (2Ch 28:7).
(7) A priest in the days of Joiakim (Neh 12:17); the section, Neh 12:14-21, is omitted by the Septuagint’s Codex Vaticanus with the exception of of Maluchi (Neh 12:14); Lucian has , Zacharas.
Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Zichri (renowned), an Ephraimite, probably one of the chiefs of the tribe, and one of the generals of Pekah king of Israel. It has been supposed that he took advantage of the victory of this monarch over the army of Judah to penetrate into Jerusalem, where he slew one of the sons of Ahaz, the governor of the palace, and the king’s chief minister or favorite. It is difficult without this supposition to explain 2Ch 28:17. There is some probability in the conjecture, that he was the ‘Tabeal’s son whom Pekah and Rezin designed to set upon the throne of Judah’ [TABEAL].
Fuente: Popular Cyclopedia Biblical Literature
1. Son of Izhar, a Kohathite. Exo 6:21. (See ZITHRI).
2. Son of Shimhi, a Benjamite. 1Ch 8:19.
3. Son of Shashak, a Benjamite. 1Ch 8:23.
4. Son of Jeroham, a Benjamite. 1Ch 8:27.
5. Son of Asaph, a Levite. 1Ch 9:15. See ZABDI.
6. Son of Joram, a Levite. 1Ch 26:25.
7. Father of Eliezer, a ruler of the Reubenites. 1Ch 27:16.
8. Father of Amasiah, a captain of Jehoshaphat. 2Ch 17:16.
9. Father of Elishaphat, one of the captains of hundreds. 2Ch 23:1.
10. A mighty man of Ephraim who slew Maaseiah son of king Ahaz, and Azrikam, and Elkanah. 2Ch 28:7.
11. Father of Joel who returned from exile. Neh 11:9.
12. Priest of the family of Abijah. Neh 12:17.
Fuente: Concise Bible Dictionary
1. Son of Izhar
Exo 6:21
2. Three Benjamites
1Ch 8:19; 1Ch 8:23; 1Ch 8:27
3. A Levite
1Ch 9:15
4. Two chiefs in the days of David
1Ch 26:25; 1Ch 27:16
5. Father of Amasiah
2Ch 17:16
6. Father of Elishaphat
2Ch 23:1
7. An Ephraimite
2Ch 28:7
8. Father of Joel
Neh 11:9
9. A priest
Neh 12:17
Fuente: Nave’s Topical Bible
Zich’ri. (memorable).
1. Son of Ishar, the son of Kohath. Exo 6:21. (B.C. 1401).
2. A Benjamite of the sons of Shimhi. 1Ch 8:19. (B.C. 1440).
3. A Benjamite of the sons of Shashak. 1Ch 8:23.
4. A Benjamite of the sons of Jeroham. 1Ch 8:27.
5. Son of Asaph, elsewhere called Zabdi and Zaccub. 1Ch 9:15.
6. A descendant of Eliezer, the son of Moses. 1Ch 26:25. (B.C. before 1043).
7. The father of Eliezer, the chief of the Reubenites, in the reign of David. 1Ch 27:16. (B.C. before 1043).
8. One of the tribe of Judah, father of Amasiah. 2Ch 11:16.
9. Father of Elishaphat, one of the conspirators with Jehoiada. 2Ch 23:1. (B.C. before 876).
10. An Ephraimite hero in the invading army of Pekah, the son of Remaliah. 2Ch 28:7. (B.C. 734).
11. Father or ancestor of Joel, 14 Neh 11:9.
12. A priest of the family of Abijah, in the days of Joiakim, the son of Jeshua. Neh 12:17. (B.C. 480).