(Heb. Tsibon’, , dyed [Gesen.] or robber [Frst]; Sept.’ ; Vulg. Sebeon), the father of Anah, whose daughter Aholibamah was Esau’s wife (Gen 36:2). B.C. ante 1963. Although called a Hivite, he is probably the same as Zibeon the son of Seir the Horite (Gen 36:20; Gen 36:24; Gen 36:29; 1 Chronicles 1, 38, 40), the latter signifying cave-dweller and the former being the name of his tribe, for we know nothing of the race of the Troglodytes; or perhaps (the Hivite) is a mis-transcription for (the Horite). SEE ESAU.
Another difficulty connected with this Zibeon is that Anah in Gen 36:2 is called his daughter, and in Gen 36:24 his son; but this difficulty appears to be easily explained by supposing that refers to Aholibamah, and not to the name next preceding it. The Samaritan, it should be observed, has . An allusion is made to some unrecorded fact in the history of the Horites in the passage This [was that] Anah that found the mules in the wilderness as he fed the asses of Zibeon his father (Gen 36:24). The word rendered mules (q.v.) in the A.V. is the Heb. , yemim, perhaps the Emim, or giants, as in the reading of the Samuel , and so also Onkelos and Pseudo-Jonathan; Gesenius prefers hot-springs, following the Vulg. rendering. Zibeon was also one of the dukes or phylarchs of the Horites (Gen 36:29). For the identification with Beeri, father of Judith the Hittite (26, 34), SEE BEERI, and also SEE ANATH.
Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
robber; or dyed. (1.) A Hivite (Gen. 36:2).
(2.) A Horite, and son of Seir (Gen. 36:20).
Fuente: Easton’s Bible Dictionary
Father of Anah, and grandfather of Aholibamah, Esau’s wife (Gen 36:2). (See ANAH.)
Fuente: Fausset’s Bible Dictionary
ZIBEON.See Anah.
Fuente: Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible
zibe-on (, cibhon, hyena; HPN, 95; , Sebegon): A Horite chief (Gen 36:2, Gen 36:14, Gen 36:20, Gen 36:24, Gen 36:29; 1Ch 1:38, 1Ch 1:40); he is called the Hivite in Gen 36:2 where Horite should be read with Gen 36:20, Gen 36:29. In Gen 36:2, Gen 36:14 Anah is said to be the daughter of Zibeon, whereas the Septuagint, the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Syriac, and Lucian have the son of Zibeon; compare 1Ch 1:38, 1Ch 1:40, where also Anah is Zibeon’s son.
Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Zibeon (dyed), a son of Seir, phylarch or head of the Hivites (Gen 36:2; Gen 36:20; Gen 36:24; Gen 36:29).
Fuente: Popular Cyclopedia Biblical Literature
1. A Hivite, father of Anah and grandfather of Aholibamah, a wife of Esau. Gen 36:2; Gen 36:14.
2. Son of Seir and one of the dukes of the Horites. Gen 36:20-29; 1Ch 1:38; 1Ch 1:40. Some judge Nos. 1 and 2 to be the same person.
Fuente: Concise Bible Dictionary
1. A Hivite
Gen 36:2; Gen 36:14
2. Son of Seir
Gen 36:20; Gen 36:24; Gen 36:29; 1Ch 1:38; 1Ch 1:40
Fuente: Nave’s Topical Bible
Zib’eon. (robber). Father of Anah, whose daughter, Aholibamah, was Esau’s wife. Gen 36:2. (B.C. 1797). Although called a Hivite, he is probably the same as Zibeon, the son of Seir, the Horite. Gen 36:20; Gen 36:24; Gen 36:29; 1Ch 1:38; 1Ch 1:40.