veri: As adjective (from verus, true), true, real, actual, etc. (Gen 27:21, Gen 27:24, my very son Esau; Jos 10:27, this very day; Joh 7:26, the very Christ, etc.); chiefly as adverb, in a high degree, extremely. As ab adverb it is commonly in the Old Testament the translation of , me’odh, and in the New Testament represents, as adjective and adverb, several Greek words, as alethos, truly (Joh 7:26, above), autos (Joh 14:11, the very works’ sake; Rom 13:6), sphodra (Mat 18:31, very sorry, the Revised Version (British and American) exceeding sorry; Mar 16:4, very great, the Revised Version (British and American) exceeding), huper- (in composition 1Th 5:13), etc. the Revised Version (British and American) frequently omits very, and also substitutes other words for it, as exceeding (2Ch 16:8; Mat 26:7; compare above), sore (Zec 9:5), etc.
Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
* Notes: (1) When “very” forms part of the translation of numerous other words (e.g., act, bold, many, precious, sorrowful, well), there is no separate word in the original. (2) For sphodra, “exceedingly,” sometimes rendered “very” in the AV, see EXCEEDING, B, No. 2. (3) Occasionally one of the forms of the pronoun autos, “self, same,” is translated “very;” the RV rendering is sometimes “himself,” etc., e.g., 1Th 5:23, “(The God of peace) Himself;” see, however, Joh 14:11, “(the) very (works);” Rom 13:6; Phi 1:6, “(this) very (thing);” Heb 10:1, “(the) very (image);” and the RV, “very” (AV, “same”) in Luk 12:12; Luk 20:19; Luk 24:13, Luk 24:33; Act 16:18; Rom 9:17; Eph 6:22. (4) Sometimes it translates the conjunction kai, in the sense of “even,” e.g., Mat 10:30; in Mat 24:24, AV, “very” (RV, “even”); Luk 12:59. (5) In Phm 1:12, RV, “my very” translates the possessive pronoun emos (in the neuter plural, ema) used with emphasis. (6) In Mar 8:1 some texts have pampollou, “very great,” AV (from pas, “all,” polus, “much”), RV, “a great (pollou) multitude” (after palin, “again”). (7) For “very great” in Mat 21:8 see GREAT, Note (6). (8) The adverb lian is translated “very” in Mar 16:2; 2Co 11:5; 2Co 12:11. See EXCEEDING, B, No. 1.