Short, David Hawkins, D.D

Short, David Hawkins, D.D

a Protestant Episcopal clergyman, was born in 1806. He graduated from Trinity College in 1833, and from the General Theological Seminary, N.Y., in 1836; was ordained the same year; for a number of years was employed as a teacher in Ridgefield, Connecticut; in 1860 became rector of St. James’s Church, Waisted; in 1861 of Grace Church, Broadbrook; in 1866 removed to Greenmich as rector of two churches, viz.: Calvary Church, at Round Hill, and Emmanuel Church, in Glenville; in 1867 officiated in St. John’s Church, Hartford; the next year in the Memorial Church of the Holy Trinity, Westport. He resided in Portland, in 1870, without charge; but the following year officiated in Trinity Church, in that place; in 1872 he was chosen rector of St. Andrew’s Church, Northford, where he remained for several years. He died in Fairfield, January 21, 1877. See Prot. Episc. Almanac, 1878, page 170.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature