Shock, Stack
SHOCK, STACK.In Jdg 15:5 the former, and in Exo 22:5 the latter, is in AV [Note: Authorized Version.] the rendering of the same wordRV [Note: Revised Version.] uniformly shocks,which in both places is opposed to the standing corn or standing grain (so Amer. RV [Note: Revised Version.] for corn throughout). The former, at least, is misleading, since the Hebrews did not set up their sheaves in shocks (Scotic stooks), but piled them in heaps for conveyance to the threshing-floor (Agriculture, 3). So in the beautiful figure, Job 5:25, render like as a heap of corn cometh up (to the threshing-floor) in its season.
A. R. S. Kennedy.