Shober, Gottlieb

Shober, Gottlieb

a Lutheran clergyman, was born in Bethlehem, Pa., Nov. 1756. Under the influence of a careful Christian education, he early became impressed with the importance of religion, and. desired to gain satisfactory evidence that he had been for, from above. He united with the Moravian Church in his seventeenth year, and entered heartily into everything tending to its prosperity. After reaching fifty years of age he determined to devote the remainder of his life to the ministry, and entered that of the Lutheran Church. In the fall of 1810 he, was set apart to the work of the ministry, and immediately became pastor of the church in, Salem. Here he continued laboring with zeal and. fidelity until a few years before his death, which occur red June 27, 1838. Mr. Shober was one of the founders. of the General Synod of the Lutheran Church, was its president in 1825, and a member of the committees to prepare a hymn book and catechism. He took a deep interest in the education of young men for the ministry, and in 1825 was appointed one of the first directors which adopted the incipient measures for the formation of the Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa. He left it three thousand acres of land. Mr. Shober prepared two volumes for the press a translation from Stilling, entitled Scenes in the World of Spirits (Baltimore, 1818, 12mo): A Comprehensive Account of the Rise and Progress of the Christian Church, by Dr. Martin Luther. See. Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 9, 141.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature