

A descendant of Shem, and an ancestor of Abraham, Gen 11:20-23 ; Luk 3:35 . Jewish tradition says he was the first of his line that fell into idolatry, Jos 24:2 .

Fuente: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary


(Heb. Serug’, , branch [Gesen.], or strength [Frst]; Sept. ; New Test. , Saruch, Luk 3:35; Josephus , Ant. 1, 6, 5), one of the postdiluvian patriarchs, being the son of Reu, and the father of Nahor the grandfather of Abraham (Gen 11:20; 1Ch 1:6). B.C. 2352-2122. His age is given in the Hebrew Bible, at the above passages, as 230 years thirty years before he begat Nahor and two hundred years afterwards. But in the Sept. 130 years are assigned to him before he begat Nahor (making his total age 330), being one of its systematic variations in the ages of the patriarchs between Shem and Terah. SEE CHRONOLOGY. Bochart (Phaleg, 2, 114) conjectures that the town of Seruj, a day’s journey from Charrse, in Mesopotamia, was named from this patriarch. Suidas and others ascribe to him the deification of dead benefactors of mankind. Epiphanius (Adv. Hoeres. 1, 6, 8), who says that his name signifies provocation, states that, though in his time idolatry took its rise, yet it was confined to pictures; and that the deification of dead men, as well as the making of idols, was subsequent. He characterizes the religion of mankind up to Serug’s days as Scythic; after Serug and the building of the Tower of Babel, the Hellenic or Greek form of religion was introduced, and continued to the writer’s time (see Petavius, Anim. adv. Epiph. Oper. 2:13). The account given by John of Antioch is as follows: Serug, of the race of Japhet, taught the duty of honoring eminent deceased men, either by images or statues () and , which, however, may here be used of pictures), of worshipping them on certain anniversaries as if still living, of preserving a record of their actions in the sacred books of the priests, and of calling them gods as being benefactors of mankind. Hence arose polytheism and idolatry (see Fragm. Historic. Groec. 4, 345, and note). It is in accordance with his being called of the race of Japhet that Epiphanius sends Phaleg and Reu to Thrace (Epist. ad Descr. Paul. 2). There is, of course, little or no historical value in any of these statements, beyond the fact that the charge of idolatry is brought against Terah and the fathers beyond the Euphrates in Jos 24:2.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature


branch, the father of Nahor (Gen. 11:20-23); called Saruch in Luke 3:35.

Fuente: Easton’s Bible Dictionary


Reu’s son, great grandfather of Abraham (as to his age, see CHRONOLOGY); in the Hebrew 230 years, 30 before begetting Nahor, 200 afterward; but in Septuagint 130 before begetting Nahor, making 330. One of many systematic variations lengthening the interval between the flood and Abraham from 292 to 1172, or as the Alexandrinus manuscript 1072. Epiphanius (Haer. 1:6, section 8) says Serug means “provocation,” and that idolatry began in his time, but confined to pictures, and that the religion of mankind up to his time was Scythic, after Serug and the building of the Babel tower it was Hellenic or Greek.

Fuente: Fausset’s Bible Dictionary


SERUG.A link in our Lords genealogy (Luk 3:35, Authorized Version Saruch).

Fuente: A Dictionary Of Christ And The Gospels


SERUG.Son of Reu (Gen 11:20; Gen 11:22-23, Luk 3:35).

Fuente: Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible


serug (, serugh; , Serouch): Son of Reu and great-grandfather of Abraham (Gen 11:20 ff; 1Ch 1:26; Luk 3:35).

Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia


Serug (shoot, tendril), son of Reu, and father of Nahor the grandfather of Abraham (Gen 11:20; 1Ch 1:26). He was 130 years old at the birth of Nahor, and died at the age of 330. The name occurs in the genealogy of Christ (Luk 3:35). The Jewish traditions affirm that Serug was the first of his line who fell into idolatry; and this seems to be sanctioned by, and is probably built upon, the charge of idolatry brought against Terah and the fathers beyond the Euphrates in Jos 24:2.

Fuente: Popular Cyclopedia Biblical Literature



Son of Reu, a son of Peleg. Gen 11:20-23; 1Ch 1:26. He is called SARUCH, son of Ragau, in Luk 3:35.

Fuente: Concise Bible Dictionary



An ancestor of Abraham

Gen 11:20-23; 1Ch 1:26

Called Saruch

Luk 3:35

Fuente: Nave’s Topical Bible


Se’rug. (branch). Son of Reu, and great grandfather of Abraham. His age is given, in the Hebrew Bible, as 230 years. Gen 11:20-23. (B.C. 2180).

Fuente: Smith’s Bible Dictionary