Serry, Francois Jacques Hyacinthe
a French theologian, was born at Toulon in 1659. He early entered the Order of St. Dominic, and was sent to Paris for an education, where he applied himself to philosophy and began preaching. In 1690 he went to Rome, and became theologian to cardinal Altieri, and was engaged on the Index. He returned to Paris in 1696, and the next year took the degree of doctor, and was called as professor of theology to Padua, where he died, March 12, 1738. His works on ecclesiastical history and theology are enumerated in Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Gnrale, s.v. Among them are, De Christo ejusque Virgine Matre (Venice, 1719): Historia Congregationum de Aux. Div. Grat. sub Summis Pontiff. Clem. VIII et Paulo V (in 4 libr. distributa, Louvain, 1700; Antw. 1709, fol.). See Frst, Bibl. Jud. 3, 317; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Literatur.