Serrad, Giovanni Andrea
an Italian prelate, was born at Castel Monardo (now Filadelfia), Feb. 4, 1731, and studied for the priesthood twelve years at Rome under the best teachers. He reorganized the Seminary of Tropea in 1759, and then went to Naples in connection with marquis Fraggianni, whose life he wrote, and also with abbe Genovesi, who procured him the chair of history in the Royal University, and afterwards that of theology in the College of the Savior (1768). He was appointed bishop of Potenza in 1782, but was not consecrated till a year later, owing to some technical opposition. At the reorganization of the Royal Academy of Naples in 1778, he was chosen one of its perpetual secretaries. He was massacred Feb. 24, 1799, during the revolution which followed the French army. He wrote several works on local ecclesiastical history, in Latin and Italian, for which see Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Gnrale, s.v.