were held at Tousi, a place in the diocese of Toul.
I. This council was held in June, 859. Charles the Bald and the sons of the emperor Lothaire were present. Thirteen canons were published, of which the first treats of the reconciliation of Charles and his brother Louis. The sixth relates to a charge of treason brought by Chlarles the Bald against Venilon, bishop of Sens. Canon 8 relates to the case of the Breton bishops who had been guilty of schism in: separating from their metropolitan. The tenth contains certain dogmas relating to grace (originally put forth in the first six canons of Valence, in the Synod of Quiercy), concerning which there arose a great contention among the bishops present. Synodal letters were addressed to Venilon, the Breton prelates, and to those factious and seditious persons whose unbridled licentiousness had caused extreme disorder. See Mansi, Concil. 8:974.
II. The second Council of Tousi (also called Concilium Tullense, or Tussiacense) was held in 860. Forty bishops from fourteen provinces attended. Five canons were published, directed against robbery, perjury, and other crimes, then very prevalent. Although only forty bishops were present, these canons are signed by fifty-seven, the decrees of councils being often sent to the bishops who were absent for their signature.
1. Is directed against invaders of sacred things.
2. Concerning the incontinence of virgins or widows consecrated to God.
3. On perjury and false witnesses.
4. Against robbers and others guilty of various crimes.
5. Concerning vagabond clerks and monks. A synodal letter was also drawn up, addressed to the invaders of ecclesiastical rights and property, and the plunderers of the poor. See Mansi, 8:702.