Santali Version

Santali Version

Santali is the language spoken by the Santhals of Northwestern Bengal. In this language the Gospel according to St. Matthew was for the first time printed in 1868, which was followed in 1873 by the Psalms, printed under the superintendence of the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society. In 1876 the Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society stated that the translation of St. Matthew had been revised, while the other Gospels and Acts were in the course of revision. In 1877 the Report stated that the Gospel of St. Mark had been printed, while St. Luke was in the press, and St. John and the Acts were ready for the press. All these portions were translated from the original by the missionaries of the Church Missionary Society. (B.P.)

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature