Reichlin, Meldegg, Carl Alexander Von
a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born of Catholic parentage, at Gravenau, Bavaria, February 21, 1804. For some time professor at the gymnasium, and afterwards of the University of Freiburg, he joined the evangelical Church, February 19, 1832, was in 1840 appointed professor at Heidelberg, and died in 1857. He was the author of, Die Theologie des Magier Manes, etc. (Frankfort, 1825): Geschichte des Christenthums, incomplete (Freiburg, 1831): Die mosaische Geschichte vum brennenden Dornbusche (Exo 3:1-4) erklart (1831): Heinrich E.G. Paulus und seine Zeit (Stuttgart, 1853, 2 volumes), the best biography of the famous Heidelberg rationalist. See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. s.v.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:119, 543, 642. (B.P.)