A high officer of Pharaoh, who purchased Joseph of the Midianites, and made him master of his house, but afterwards imprisoned him on a false charge. He is supposed by some to have been the same “captain of the guard” who promoted Joseph in prison, Gen 37:36 ; 39:23.
Fuente: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary
(Heb. Potiphar’, , contraction of , Potipherah [q.v.]; Sept. ), an officer of Pharaoh, probably the chief of his body- guard (Gen 39:1). B.C. cir. 1810. Of the Midianitish merchants he purchased Joseph. The keeper of the prison into which the son of Jacob was eventually cast treated him with kindness, and confided to him the management of the prison (Gen 27:36; Gen 39:1); and this confidence was afterwards sanctioned by the captain of the guard himself, as the officer responsible for the safe custody of prisoners of state (Gen 40:3-4). It is sometimes denied, but more usually maintained, that this captain of the guard was the same with the Potiphar who is before designated by the same title. It is possible that this captain of the guard and Joseph’s master were the same person. It would be in accordance with Oriental usage that offenders against the court, and the officers of the court, should be in custody of the captain of the guard; and that Potiphar should have treated Joseph well after having cast him into prison is not irreconcilable with the facts of the case. After having imprisoned Joseph in the first transport of his choler, he might possibly discover circumstances which led him to doubt his guilt, if not to be convinced of his innocence. The mantle left in the hands of his mistress, and so triumphantly produced against him, would, when calmly considered, seem a stronger proof of guilt against her than against him; yet still, to avoid bringing dishonor upon his wife, and exposing her to new temptation, he may have deemed it more prudent to bestow upon his slave the command of the state prison than to restore him to his former employment. SEE JOSEPH.
Potiphar is described as an officer of Pharaoh, chief of the executioners ( ), an Egyptian (Gen 39:1; comp. 37:36). The word we render officer, as in the A. V., is literally eunuch, and the Sept. and Vulg. so translate it here (, eunuchus); but it is also used for an officer of the court, and this is almost certainly the meaning here, as Potiphar was married, which is seldom the case with eunuchs, though some, as those which have the custody of the Kaaba at Mecca, are exceptions, and his office was one which would not usually be held by persons of a class ordinarily wanting in courage, although here again we must except the occasional usage of Muslim sovereigns, whose executioners were sometimes eunuchs, as Haruen er-Rashid’s Mesrli, in order that they might be able to carry out the royal commands even in the harems of the subjects. Potiphar’s office was chief of the executioners, not, as the Sept. makes it, of the cooks (), for the prison was in his house, or, at least, in that of the chief of the executioners, probably a successor of Potiphar, who committed the disgraced servants of Pharaoh to Joseph’s charge (Gen 40:2-4). He is called an Egyptian; and it is to be noticed that his name contains that of an Egyptian divinity. He appears to have been a wealthy man, having property in the field as well as in the house, over which Joseph was put, evidently in an important post (Gen 39:4-6). The view we have of Potiphar’s household is exactly in accordance with the representations on the monuments, in which we see how carefully the produce of the land was registered and stored up in the house by overseers, as well as the liberty that women of all ranks enjoyed. When Joseph was accused, his master contented himself with casting him into prison (Gen 39:19-20), probably being a merciful man, although he may have been restrained by God from acting more severely. After this we hear no more of Potiphar, unless, which is unlikely, the chief of the executioners afterwards mentioned be he. If he were actually a eunuch, we may the more easily account for his wife’s conduct. SEE EUNUCH.
Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
dedicated to Ra; i.e., to the sun-god, the Egyptian to whom the Ishmaelites sold Joseph (Gen. 39:1). He was “captain of the guard”, i.e., chief, probably, of the state police, who, while they formed part of the Egyptian army, were also largely employed in civil duties (37:36; marg., “chief of the executioners”). Joseph, though a foreigner, gradually gained his confidence, and became overSee r over all his possessions. Believing the false accusation which his profligate wife brought against Joseph, Potiphar cast him into prison, where he remained for some years. (See JOSEPH)
Fuente: Easton’s Bible Dictionary
From Egyptian Pa-ti, “the given” or devoted to Par or Phar, the (royal) house or palace. “An officer (chamberlain) of Pharaoh, chief of the executioners,” i.e. captain of the bodyguard (KJV), who executed the king’s sentences (Gen 37:36; Gen 39:1; 2Ki 25:8; Jer 39:9; Jer 52:12). The prison in which he confined Joseph was an apartment arched, vaulted, and rounded (ha-sohar) for strength (called a “dungeon,” Gen 40:15), in the house of the chief of the executioners (Gen 40:3).
Joseph’s feet at first “they afflicted with fetters, the iron entered into has soul” (Psa 105:17-18); but Jehovah gave him favor in the sight of “the keeper of the prison,” probably distinct from Potiphar. There seems little ground for thinking that Potiphar was succeeded by another “chief of the executioners,” “the keeper of the prison” was entrusted by Potiphar with Joseph. Potiphar scarcely believed his lustful wife’s story, or he would have killed Joseph at once; but instead he put him in severe imprisonment at first, then with Potiphar’s connivance the prison keeper put the same confidence in Joseph as Potiphar himself had put in him when he was free. Egyptian monuments, in harmony with Scripture, represent rich men’s stewards, as Joseph, carefully registering all the produce of the garden and field, and storing it up. (See JOSEPH.)
Fuente: Fausset’s Bible Dictionary
POTIPHAR.Gen 39:1-23, a high Egyptian official in the story of Joseph. The name is perhaps a deformation of Potiphera (wh. see) or an unsuccessful attempt to form an Egyptian name on the same lines. Potiphar seems to be entitled chief cook (EV [Note: English Version.] captain of the guard), and likewise saris, eunuch of Pharaoh. But the former title cook may be only a mark of high rank; persons described as royal tasters in the New Kingdom were leaders of expeditions, investigators of criminal cases, judges in the most important trials, etc.; as yet, too, there is little indication that eunuchs were employed in Egypt even at a later period: so this also was but an honorific official title; the Hebrew word saris is actually found attached to the names of Persian officers in Egypt. Joseph was sold to Potiphar, on whose wifes accusation he was cast into the kings prison (in Potiphars own house), to which Pharaoh afterwards committed his chief butler and chief baker. The office thus held by Potiphar cannot yet be precisely identified in Egyptian documents. In the passage Gen 41:45 and the repeated description of Josephs wife, the forms of the names and the title of the priest are much more precisely Egyptian.
F. Ll. Griffith.
Fuente: Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible
An officer in the court of Pharaoh-master to the patriarch Joseph (Gen 37:36) His name is derived, as it should seem to be, from Parah, which means to scatter.
Fuente: The Poor Mans Concordance and Dictionary to the Sacred Scriptures
poti-far (, potphar; compare Egyptian Potiphera (Gen 39:1 f)): A high Egyptian official who became the master of Joseph. It is particularly mentioned that he was an Egyptian, i.e. one of the native Egyptian officials at the Hyksos court.
Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Potiphar (contraction of Potipherah), an officer of Pharaoh, probably the chief of his bodyguard (Gen 39:1). Of the Midianitish merchants he purchased Joseph, whose treatment by him is described under that head. The keeper of the prison into which the son of Jacob was eventually cast treated him with kindness, and confided to him the management of the prison; and this confidence was afterwards sanctioned by the ‘captain of the guard’ himself, as the officer responsible for the safe custody of prisoners of state. It is sometimes denied, but more usually maintained, that this ‘captain of the guard’ was the same with the Potiphar who is before designated by the same title. We believe that this ‘captain of the guard’ and Joseph’s master were the same person. It would be in accordance with Oriental usage that offenders against the court, and the officers of the court, should be in custody of the captain of the guard; and that Potiphar should have treated Joseph well after having cast him into prison, is not irreconcilable with the facts of the case. After having imprisoned Joseph in the first transport of his choler, he might possibly discover circumstances which led him to doubt his guilt, if not to be convinced of his innocence. The mantle left in the hands of his mistress, and so triumphantly produced against him, would, when calmly considered, seem a stronger proof of guilt against her than against him: yet still, to avoid bringing dishonor upon his wife, and exposing her to new temptation, he may have deemed it more prudent to bestow upon his slave the command of the state prison, than to restore him to his former employment.
Fuente: Popular Cyclopedia Biblical Literature
Pharaoh’s captain of the guard, to whom Joseph was sold. Gen 37:36; Gen 39:1.
Fuente: Concise Bible Dictionary
An officer of Pharaoh. Joseph’s master.
Gen 37:36; Gen 39:1
Fuente: Nave’s Topical Bible
Potiphar (pt’i-far). Potiphar, with whom the history of Joseph is connected, is described as “an officer of Pharaoh, chief of the executioners, an Egyptian.” Gen 39:1 : comp. 37:36. He appears to have been a wealthy man. Gen 39:4-6. The view we have of Potiphar’s household is exactly in accordance with the representations on the monuments. When Joseph was accused, his master contented himself with casting him into prison. Gen 39:19-20. After this we hear no more of Potiphar.
Fuente: People’s Dictionary of the Bible
Pot’iphar. An Egyptian name, also written Potipherah, signifies belonging to the sun. Potiphar. With whom the history of Joseph is connected, is described as an officer of Pharaoh; chief of the executioners, an Egyptian.” Gen 39:1. Compare Gen 37:36. (B.C. 1728).
He appears to have been a wealthy man. Gen 39:4-6. The view we have of Potiphar’s household, is exactly in accordance with the representations on the monuments. When Joseph was accused, his master contented himself with casting him into prison. Gen 39:19-20. After this, we hear no more of Potiphar. See Joseph.