Aacs, Mihaly (2) a Hungarian theologian, was born at Raab, Feb. 28, 1672. He studied theology at Wittenberg and Tubingen; and became chaplain of a Hungarian regiment. He died at Bartfeld, Feb. 2, 1711. He wrote in Latin and Hungarian, Dissertatio Historicotheologica de Catechumenis (Strasb. 1700): Magyar Theologia (Bartfeld, 1709): Currus Mortis ex Pestilentia, in … Continue reading “Aacs, Mihaly (2)”
Aacs (Or Acs), Mihaly (Michael) (1)
Aacs (Or Acs), Mihaly (Michael) (1) a Hungarian philosopher and theologian, was born at Szent Martolny (or Martonhegy;), in Transylvania, July 9, 1,631. He finished his studies in Germany, and filled the office of pastor at Hemegges Ala, at Raab, and at Rosenau. He died at Rosenau Dec; 23, 1708. He wrote in Latin and … Continue reading “Aacs (Or Acs), Mihaly (Michael) (1)”
Aachen, Germany, diocese of
Aachen, Germany, diocese of Founded on 13 August 1930 . Suffragen of the archdiocese of Cologne . See also Catholic-Hierarchy.Org diocese of Aachen, Germany patron saints index Google Map New Catholic Dictionary Fuente: New Catholic Dictionary
Aachen, Germany, city of
Aachen, Germany, city of (German: Aachen; Latin: Aquisgranum) City, Germany , noted for healing springs. It was probably the birthplace of Charlemagne . The octagonal “chapel,” from which the city is named, was built 796 -804 and forms the nave of the cathedral ; under its dome is the tomb of Charlemagne , which was … Continue reading “Aachen, Germany, city of”
Aachen (In French, Aix-la-Chapelle, the name by which the city is generally known; in Latin Aquae Grani, later Aquisgranum). The city of Aachen lies in a Prussian valley, surrounded by wooded heights, on the Wurm, a tributary of the Roer, on its way to the Meuse. Population, 1 December, 1905, 151,922 (including the Parish of … Continue reading “Aachen”
Aa, Christian Charles Henry
Aa, Christian Charles Henry (in Dutch, Christian Karel Hedrik) VAN DER, a learned Lutheran divine, was born at Zwolle, in Overyssel, Netherlands, Aug. 25, 1718 He studied theology at Leyden and Jena in 1737, and was the first secretary-perpetual of the Society of Sciences in Holland, which he assisted in founding at Haarlem in 1752. … Continue reading “Aa, Christian Charles Henry”
A.A. Augustinians of the Assumption , or Assumptionists. Fuente: New Catholic Dictionary Aa (old), in ancient Egyptian mythology, was one of the daemons who accuse the soul of the deceased in the Hall of the Two Truths; also a deity worshipped in the town of Aat. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
A thach
A thach (Hebrews Athak’, , lodging; Sept. v. r. ), one of the cities of Judah (i.e. Simeon) to which David sent a present of the spoils recovered from the Amalekites who had sacked Ziklag (1Sa 30:30). According to Schwarz (Palest. p. 113), it is marked by the modern valley Athaca, north of Jebel Madurah, … Continue reading “A thach”
A solis ortus cardine
A solis ortus cardine Hymn for Lauds on 25 December , feast of Christmas. It was written by Sedulius in the 5th century. There are 18 translations. The English title given is by J. Neale. Fuente: New Catholic Dictionary
A Rend (Or Arents), Balthazar
A Rend (Or Arents), Balthazar a German theologian, studied .theology in the German universities at lena, Leipsic, and Copenhagen, and died in 1687. He wrote, Geistlicher Krieg, das Himmelreich mit Gewalter sifrmen (Gluckstadt, 1671):-Des Leibes und der Seelen Zustand nach dem Tode (ibid. 1776) :-Disputatio Historico – teologica de Resurrectione Christi adversus Haereticos et Hostes … Continue reading “A Rend (Or Arents), Balthazar”