Aaron ben-Joseph Sason

Aaron ben-Joseph Sason (SCHASCON), a rabbi of Thessalonica, lived at the close of the 16th century. He is the author of several celebrated Jewish works, among which are (the law of truth), a collection of 232 decisions on questions relating to sales, rents, etc. (Venice, 1616, fol.); and (the book of truth), explicatory of the … Continue reading “Aaron ben-Joseph Sason”

Aaron Ben-Elia

Aaron Ben-Elia a Karaite of Nicomedia, lived in the 14th century. He wrote a work in imitation of the Moreh of Maimonides, entitled The Tree of Life, which is a presentation, on a philosophical basis, of the dogmas of Mosaism; and contains, also, detailed accounts respecting the religious and philosophical schools among the Arabs. See … Continue reading “Aaron Ben-Elia”

Aaron ben-Chayim

Aaron ben-Chayim a celebrated rabbi, born at Fez in the middle of the 16th century. He was the head of the synagogues of Fez and Morocco. In order to superintend the printing of his works, he made, in 1609, a voyage to Venice, where he died soon after. His works are (in Hebrew), The Heart … Continue reading “Aaron ben-Chayim”

Aaron Acharon

Aaron Acharon (i.e. the younger), a rabbi born at Nicomedia in the beginning of the 14th century. He belonged to the sect of the Caraites. We have from him several Hebrew works on mystical theology (The Tree of Life, The Garden of Faith, The Garden of Eden), and a literal commentary on the Pentateuch, entitled … Continue reading “Aaron Acharon”

Aaron Abiob (Or Aviob)

Aaron Abiob (Or Aviob) a rabbi of Thessalonica who lived near the close of the 16th century. He wrote a literal commentary on the book of Esther, in Hebrew, entitled i.e. Oleum Myrrhoe, ex Rabbinorum Commentariis, etc. ( Thessalonica, 1601). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature


AARON The son of Amram and Jochabed, of the tribe of Levi, and brother of Moses and Miriam, Exo 6:20; born about the year B. C. 1574. He was three years older than Moses, Exo 7:7 and was the spokesman and assistant of the latter in bringing Israel out of Egypt, Exo 4:16. His wife … Continue reading “Aaron”

Aarhus, Ancient See of

Aarhus, Ancient See of (ARUSIA, ARUSIENSIS). The diocese included the provinces (amter) of Aarhus and Randers, the islands of Samso and Tuno, and, after 1396, part of the province of Viborg. Frode, King of Jutland, built the church of the Holy Trinity at Aarhus about 900. In 948 Archbishop Adaldag of Hamburg consecrated Reginbrand as … Continue reading “Aarhus, Ancient See of”