Aaronic Priesthood The first thought in priesthood is that those appointed might minister to the Lord in the priests’ office, that they might be a company in nearness to and in communion with the Lord. God had said of Israel that He had brought them to Himself, and redemption had been accomplished; but the people, … Continue reading “Aaronic Priesthood”
Aaron Zahala
Aaron Zahala a Spanish rabbi, died 1293. He is the author of a commentary published under the title Sepher Hachinak, id est Liber Institutionis, recensio 613 legis Mosaicoe praeceptorum, etc. (in Heb., Venice, 1523, fol.) Hoefer, Biographie Generale, 1:7. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
Aaron St. (2)
Aaron St. (1) was a Briton who suffered martyrdom with St. Julius in Britain, during the persecution under Diocletian, in 303. We are not informed as to the British name of Aaron; but he and Julius had each a church erected to his memory in the city of Caerleon, the ancient metropolis of Wales. Their … Continue reading “Aaron St. (2)”
Aaron, Samuel
Aaron, Samuel a Baptist minister, was born in New Britain, Pa., Oct. 19, 1800. His ancestors were Welsh-Irish. His father dying when he was but six years of age, he was placed under the care of an uncle, working upon his farm for several years, and studying a few weeks in the winter. His later … Continue reading “Aaron, Samuel”
Aaron, rod of
Aaron, rod of “Thy rod and thy staff, they have comforted me” (Psalm 22). Rod of Aaron. “When Pharao shall say to you: Shew signs; Thou shalt say to Aaron: Take thy rod and cast it down before Pharao, and it shall be turned into a serpent” (Exodus 7). “Carry back the rod of Aaron … Continue reading “Aaron, rod of”
Aaron of Caerleon, Saint
Aaron of Caerleon, Saint Martyr in Wales during the Diocletian persecution in 303 . He was the companion of Saint Julius and is possibly Britain’s proto-martyr . Feast , 1 July . Fuente: New Catholic Dictionary
Aaron Of Bistritz
Aaron Of Bistritz Peter Pau1, was a friar of the Order of. St. Basil, and bishop of Fogaras, in Transylvania. He died in 1760. He wrote Definitio et Exordium Sanctoe Ecumenicoe Snynodi (Florence, 1762). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale., s.v. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
Aaron Ha-Rishon
Aaron Ha-Rishon (i.e. the elder), a celebrated rabbi of the sect of the Caraites, practiced medicine at Constantinople toward the close of the 13th century. He had the reputation of being a great philosopher and an honest man. He is the author of an Essay on Hebrew Grammar ( , perfect in beauty, Constantinople, 1561), … Continue reading “Aaron Ha-Rishon”
Aaron, Ha Kohen
Aaron, Ha Kohen (i.e. “the priest”), an Italian rabbi (sometimes confounded with Aaron of Pesaro) who lived about the middle of the 14th century. He composed a book entitled Archoth Rhagin Heruk, which is a collection of moral sentences. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
Aaron, Berechja Ben-Mose Ben-Nechemja
Aaron, Berechja Ben-Mose Ben-Nechemja of Modena, who flourished in the 17th century, and died in 1639, is the author of an ascetic work entitled , Maabar Yabbok, “The Ford Jabbok’” (Mantua, 1626), which has also been translated into Judaeo- German. This book, divided into five parts, treats of deeds of charity, the fasting of the … Continue reading “Aaron, Berechja Ben-Mose Ben-Nechemja”