Abaddon The word is found in the NT only in Rev 9:11. In the OT text bhaddn occurs six times (only in the Wisdom literature), Authorized Version in each case rendering destruction, while Revised Version gives Destruction in Job 28:22; Job 31:12, Psa 88:11, but Abaddon in Job 26:6, Pro 15:11; Pro 27:20, on the … Continue reading “Abaddon”
Abad y Queypeo, Manuel
Abad y Queypeo, Manuel a Mexican bishop, born in the Asturias, Spain, about 1775. Having become priest, he went to Mexico, where he was at first judge of wills at Valladolid de Mechoacan, and, in 1809, appointed bishop of Mechoacan. Upon the outbreak of the war of independence, Abad favored the national party, and declared … Continue reading “Abad y Queypeo, Manuel”
abacus (Greek: counting-table) The square, tile-like upper member of a Norman capital from which the arch immediately springs. Fuente: New Catholic Dictionary Abacus (Lat. from , a board). This name is applied in architecture to the uppermost member or division of a capital. 1. In the Grecian and Roman orders it is a very essential … Continue reading “Abacus”
Abacuc (Or Abachum)
Abacuc (Or Abachum) a martyr commemorated by the Western Church Jan. 19 (or 20), together with Maris (or Mauri), his father; Martha, his mother; and Audifax, his brother. They are said to have come from the confines of Persia, in the time of Claudius II, to Rome, where, after rendering many services to the faithful, … Continue reading “Abacuc (Or Abachum)”
Abacuc (Lat. Abacuc, the Greek text being no longer extant), one of the minor prophets (2 Esdras [in the Vulg. 4 Esdras] 1:40), elsewhere HABAKKUK SEE HABAKKUK (q.v.). Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Abacuc ABACUC.The form of the name Habakkuk in 2Es 1:40. Fuente: Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible Abacuc aba-kuk (Latin … Continue reading “Abacuc”
Abachum, Saint
Abachum, Saint Martyrs; died Rome, c.270. Marius and Martha were noble Persians, who, with their sons, Audifax and Abachum, came to Rome to visit the tombs of the Apostles and give aid to the persecuted Christians. After suffering horrible torture, Marius and his sons were beheaded, and Martha was cast into a well. Relics in … Continue reading “Abachum, Saint”
Abachum, Audifax, Martha, and Maris, Saints
Abachum, Audifax, Martha, and Maris, Saints All martyred at Rome in 270. Maris and his wife Martha, who belonged to the Persian nobility, came to Rome with their children in the reign of Emperor Claudius II. As zealous Christians, they sympathized with and succoured the persecuted faithful, and buried the bodies of the slain. This … Continue reading “Abachum, Audifax, Martha, and Maris, Saints”
Ababil in Arabian mythology, was a fabulous bird mentioned in the Koran, concerning the nature and qualities of which Mohammedan doctors greatly differ. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
Ab universali ad particulare valet, a particulari ad universale non valet consequentia
Ab universali ad particulare valet, a particulari ad universale non valet consequentia Adage stating the validity of arguments making the transition from the general to the particular and denying the permissibility of the converse process. — J.J.R. Fuente: The Dictionary of Philosophy
Ab esse ad posse valet, a posse ad esse non valet consequential
Ab esse ad posse valet, a posse ad esse non valet consequential Adage expressing the permissibility of arguing from facts to possibility and denying the validity of arguments proceeding from possibility to reality. — J.J.R. Fuente: The Dictionary of Philosophy