Abaji, Ben-Cajlil

Abaji, Ben-Cajlil Abaji, Ben-Cajlil, surnamed Nachmani, belonged to that class of Jewish teachers who were styled Amoraim, and occupied the presidency at the school of Pumbaditha from 333 to 338. He is said to have been tolerant of the heathen, and defended the book of Ben Sira, i.e. Ecclesiasticus, against his colleague Rab Joseph, who … Continue reading “Abaji, Ben-Cajlil”

Abailard, Pierre

Abailard, Pierre SEE ABELARD, PIERRE. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

Abailard, Peter

Abailard, Peter (1079-1142) Was born at Pallet in France; distinguished himself as a brilliant student of the trivium and quadrivium; studied logic with Roscelin and Wm. of Champeaux. He taught philosophy, with much emphasis on dialectic, at Melun, Corbeil, and the schools of St. Genevieve and Notre Dame in Paris. He was lecturing on theology … Continue reading “Abailard, Peter”


Abagtha (Heb. Abagtha’, , prob. Persian [ SEE BIGTHA , SEE BIGTHAN , SEE BIGTHANA , SEE BAGOAS ], and, according to Bohlen, from the Sanscrit bagadata, fortune-given; Sept. ), one of the seven chief eunuchs in the palace of Xerxes, who were commanded to bring in Vashti (Est 1:10), B.C. 483. Fuente: Cyclopedia of … Continue reading “Abagtha”

Abaght, Saint

Abaght, Saint Virgin, contemporary of Saint Patrick, born Sligo, Ireland . She was the foundress of several religious houses in Galway and Sligo. Pius IX authorized her office and Mass to be revived in the Irish Church. Patroness of Achonry, and of the “Men of Lugna”. Feast , 11 August . Fuente: New Catholic Dictionary


Abagarus SEE ABGARUS. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Abagarus a-baga-rus. See ABGARUS. Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia


Abaelard SEE ABELARD. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature


Abadir in Phoenician mythology, was a name given to cone-formed stones, which were the oldest symbols of the deities. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature


Abadias (), a son of Jazelus, and one of the descendants (or residents) of Joab, who returned with 212 males from the captivity with Ezra (1Es 8:35); evidently the same with the OBADIAH SEE OBADIAH (q.v.) of the parallel list (Ezr 8:9). Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Abadias ABADIAS (1Es 8:35).An exile … Continue reading “Abadias”


ABADDON, OR APOLLYON The former name is Hebrew, and the latter Greek, and both signify the destroyer, Rev 9:11. He is called the angel of death, or the destroying angel. Fuente: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary