
Abate a-bat: Used six times in Old Testament for five different Hebrew words, signifying to diminish, reduce, assuage; of the Flood (Gen 8:8); of strength (Deu 34:7); of pecuniary value (Lev 27:18); of wrath (Jdg 8:3); of fire (Num 11:2). Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia


Abata (, inaccessible), a name given in early times to the altar, on account of the exclusion of the laity therefrom. The Council of Trullo (q.v.), canon 69, decreed “that no layman whatsoever should come into the altar part, except only the emperor, when he had made his oblation to the Creator, according to ancient … Continue reading “Abata”


Abassines a sect of the Greek Church, inhabiting an extended and wooded region along the coast of the Black Sea. They are a rough variety of the Circassians, and support themselves chiefly by plunder and piracy. From their isolated position they have fallen away from many of the doctrines and practices of the Eastern Church, … Continue reading “Abassines”


Abaskanton was an amulet worn by the Greeks as a preventive against becoming bewitched. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature


Abase a-bas: The English rendition of , shaphel (Job 40:11; Eze 21:26), and of its derivative , shephal (Dan 4:37) = bring down, debase, humble; of , anah (Isa 31:4) = abase self, afflict, chasten self, deal harshly with, etc.; and of , tapeinoo = to depress; figure to humiliate (in condition or heart): abase, … Continue reading “Abase”


Abas in Greek legend, was (1) a king of Argos, renowned mainly through his great-grandson Perseus. His father was Lynceus, his mother Hypermnestra, and the fierce and cruel Danaus was his grandfather. Abas brought Lynceus the news of Danaus’s death, for which he was presented with a costly shield which Danaus had consecrated to Juno. … Continue reading “Abas”


Abarus in Greek mythology was a surname of Apollo, after Abas, a city in Phocis, where he had a temple. This temple was prized so highly, because of its ancient statues, that, after being destroyed twice, in the Persian and the Holy War, it was rebuilt. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature


Abaris SEE ABARIM; SEE AVARIS. ADDENDUM FROM VOLUME 11: (), in Greek legend, was (1) a priest of Apollo, whom the latter presented with a golden arrow, by which he was able to fly around the earth. It is related of him (Herod. 4:36) that he came from the Hyperboreans, about the time of Croesus, … Continue reading “Abaris”


ABARIM, MOUNT east of Jordan in the land of Moab Num 27:12; Num 33:48; Deu 32:49 Fuente: Thompson Chain-Reference Bible


ABARIM Mountains east of the Dead Sea and the lower Jordan, “over against Jericho,” within the territory of Moab and the tribe of Reuben. It is impossible to define exactly their extent. The mountains Nebe, Pisgah, and Peor were in the Abarim, Num 27:12; Num 33:47-48; Deu 32:49 ; 34:1. Ije-abarim, Num 21:11, seems to … Continue reading “Abarim”