Ægidius of Assisi, Blessed Died 1262. Companion of Saint Francis. Assigned to the hermitage of Fabriano, he there led a life of contemplation. His wisdom led many to consult him; his “Sayings” have had many editions. Feast , 23 April . Fuente: New Catholic Dictionary
Ægidius a Columna
Ægidius a Columna Augustinian philosopher and theologion, called Doctor fundatissimus, born Rome, Italy , c.1247 ; died Avignon , France , 1316 . He studied under Thomas Aquinas at Paris, and was the first Augustinian to teach in that university. Though Honorius IV asked him to retract publicly certain opinions, the general chapter of the … Continue reading “Ægidius a Columna”
Zyro, Ferdinand Friedrich
Zyro, Ferdinand Friedrich a Protestant theologian, and formerly professor of theology at Berne, who died May 10, 1874, at Rheinfeldern, is the author of, Ein freies Wort uber die gegenwartigen Verhaltnisse der evangelisch-reformirten Kirche und ihrer Diener im Kanton Bern (Berne, 1831): Des praktischen Theologen Gesinnung in dieser Zeit (ibid. 1834): Die evangelisch reformirte Kirche … Continue reading “Zyro, Ferdinand Friedrich”
Zwirner, Ernst Friedrich
Zwirner, Ernst Friedrich Architect, born at Jakobswalde in Silesia in 1802; died at Cologne in 1861. He studied at Breslau and Berlin, and worked at the latter place under Schinkel. From 1833 he was the architect of the cathedral at Cologne. At Cologne he was next to Statz the most important practical representative of Gothic … Continue reading “Zwirner, Ernst Friedrich”
Zwingliism The theological thought of Huldreich Zwingli (1481-1531), early Protestant Reformer of Zurich, Switzerland. His theology was theocentricGod’s activity is all-pervading and widely revealed. He was a student of the Greek N.T. and of humanistic subjects, a friend of Erasmus. (See Reformation). He followed Augustine’s doctrine of man’s original sin and sinfulness with some modifications. … Continue reading “Zwingliism”
Zwinglians a name given to the early Swiss Protestants from their leader Zwingli (q.v.). It is also used as a controversial designation of those who hold Zwingli’s view respecting the mere memorial character of the eucharist. The theology of Zwingli is of interest as having influenced the English Puritans to a considerable extent, until Zwingli … Continue reading “Zwinglians”
Zwinglianism SEE ZWINGLI; SEE ZWINGLIANS. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
Zwingli (Zwingle, Or Zuingli; Lat. Zwinglius Or Zuinglius), Ulrich
Zwingli, Ulrich (Also, Huldreich) Founder of the Reformation in Switzerland, born at Wildhaus in Switzerland, 1 January, 1484; died 11 October, 1531. Zwingli came from a prominent family of the middle classes, and was the third of eight sons. His father Ulrich was a district official of the little town of Wildhaus, and a cousin … Continue reading “Zwingli (Zwingle, Or Zuingli; Lat. Zwinglius Or Zuinglius), Ulrich”
Zwinger, Theodor
Zwinger, Theodor a Swiss theologian, was born November 21, 1597, at Basle. He was a strict Calvinist, and defended the doctrine of predestination in a disputation it Heidelberg. In 1630 he was made antistes to the Church of Basle, to which position was attached a professorship of theology. The breaking of bread instead of the … Continue reading “Zwinger, Theodor”
Zwinger, Johann Rudolf
Zwinger, Johann Rudolf a son of Johann, was born September 12, 1660, and died November 18, 1708, and was antistes to the Basle Church and theological professor. He wrote dissertations and sermons, and also a book on the conversion of the Jews, entitled Der Trost Israel’s (1706). Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature