Orfand, Jacinto
a Spanish Dominican, noted as a missionary, was born at Jana in 1578. He early took an interest in religious life, and finally entered the Dominican Order in Barcelona. In 1605 he asked to be sent to the Philippines. In 1607 he went to Japan, and there he labored about fifteen years. He wrote an account of the progress of Christianity in that country, entitled Historia ecclesiastica de los successos de la Cristiandad de Japon (Madrid, 1633, 4to). It was originally prepared to cover only the years 1602-1621, but Collado brought it down to 1622. Orfand was put to death by the Japanese in 1622. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.; Fernandez, Hist. Eccles. de Nuestros Tiempos, p. 289; Echard, Scriptor. ord. Praedic. 2:425.