Mitchell, Donald
a Scotch missionary to India, flourished in the first half of our century. Of his early history nothing is known to us. He was the first missionary sent out by the Scottish Missionary Society. He settled at Bombay, where he labored with zeal, and saw his efforts crowned with much success. His plan was to convert the people by influencing the young, and, to secure their confidence, he established schools for their mental training. He succeeded in starting, in connection with his mission, eight schools, which were attended by some three thousand pupils. More filly to fit himself for the important work in which he was engaged, Mr. Mitchell mastered the difficult Morathi language. He preached to the people, not only in the immediate neighborhood of the station which he occupied, but also for many miles along the coast and in the interior, with very encouraging results for several years, till called to rest from his labors. See The Missionary World (N.Y. 1873, 12mo), page 493.