Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle

Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle

Founded in New York, 1858, by Father Isaac Thomas Hecker, formerly with the Redemptorists but dispensed from his vows owing to a misunderstanding. With four associates, under recommendation of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples , the new society was formed for the conyersion of America, to be effected by lecturing, preaching, the giving of missions, and through the press. The rule, resembling that of the Redemptorists, was drawn up in 1858, approved by Archbishop Hughes, and enlarged in 1878. Profession, though not bound by vows, is permanent. The mother-house is in New York, a novitiate in Washington, and a procure at Rome. Additional foundations are in New York; Portland; Toronto; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Chicago, Illinois; San Francisco, California; Berkeley, California; Austin, Texas; and Winchester, Tennessee. A new residence and house of studies is in Rome, and diocesan apostolates founded in England and Australia.

Fuente: New Catholic Dictionary