a German theologian, was born at Herborn March 12,1685. His father, who died in 1690, was superintendent and professor of theology. Albrecht commenced his academic course at Duisburg, but continued his studies at the university at Franecker. He -paid special attention to Oriental languages and literature. He finished his studies at Utrecht, and returned to Duisburg. He was in 1709 installed as minister at Mihlheim, and made professor of theology at Hanau in 1718. Upon taking this position he delivered an essay, De religione et verce religionis criteriis. In 1723 he was called to a professorship of theology and Church history at Franecker, where he died. Aug. 11, 1738. Melchior made quite a name for himself in theological literature. He published several dogmatic and exegetical dissertations to prove the authenticity of the miracles of Christ. A list of all his productions, of minor value at present, is given by Diring, Gelehrte Theol. Deutschl. s.v.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature