Matter, prime
(Scholastic) Though the notion of prime matter or hyle is not unknown to the Schoolmen previous to the 13th century, a consistent philosophical view has been developed only after the revival of Aristotelian philosophy. In accordance with the Stagirite, Aquinas considers prime matter as pure potentiality, lacking all positive characteristics. Matter becomes the principle of individuation; by being united to matter, the form is “contracted”, that is narrowed from its universal and specific being to existence in a particular. Consequently, individuality is denied to the Angels who are free of matter, subsistent forms; every angel is a species of his own. The individuating principle is, however, not prime matter as such but materia signata quantitate; this means that a still indefinite relation to quantity is added. What is now commonly called matter is defined by Aquinas as materia secunda; the material thing owes its existence to the information of prime matter by a substantial form. — R.A.