Leyczon Nobla

Leyczon Nobla

is the name of a poem which was extensively circulated among the Waldenses in the 15th century. It exhorts to repentance and to Christian life, and treats of the temptations to which the wicked subject the pious and the good, and of the punishments for sin. Some, among them Dickhoff, contend that the poem originated with the Bohemian Brethren, but Ebrard and Herzog incline to the general opinion that the “Leyczon” belongs to the Waldensian literature. The name it bears is derived from the first words of the poem, which are “Leyczon noblsa” (lectio, sermon). See Zeitschrift hist. theol. 1864,1865; Herzog, Die romewsischen Waldenser, etc. (Halle, 1853).

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature