Last Time or Days
This was spoken of by the apostle John as then existing. There were many antichrists, whereby it was known that the last time (lit. hour) had commenced. 1Jn 2:18. Apostasy from apostolic doctrine was a sign of the last time (it was not exactly the ‘last days,’ as in 2 Timothy). No further revelation had to be made, and if this doctrine was refused, nothing but judgement could be the result: cf. 2Ti 3:1; 2Pe 3:3; Jud 1:18. The ‘last days’ of Heb 1:2 and ‘last times’ of 1Pe 1:20 are changed by Editors of the Greek Testament to the ‘end of these days;’ these passages refer to the end of the period of the law when the Messiah appeared.