LASSHARON.A town taken by Joshua (Jos 12:18). LXX [Note: Septuagint.] B reads here the king of Aphek in Sharon. The Onomasticon gives the name of Sharon to a second district, viz. that between Mount Tabor and Tiberias. The name Sarna attaches to an ancient site on the plateau, 61/2 miles S.W. of Tiberias, which may possibly represent Lassharon (Conder).
W. Ewing.
Fuente: Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible
la-sharon, la-sharon (, lashsharon or la-sharon, the King James Version Sharon): A royal city of the Canaanites taken by Joshua, named with Aphek (Jos 12:18). Possibly we should here follow the reading of Septuagint (Codex Vaticanus), the king of Aphek in Sharon. Eusebius, Onomasticon (s.v. Saron) mentions a region between Mt. Tabor and the Lake of Tiberias called Sarona. This is probably represented by the ancient site Sarona, on the plateau 6 1/2 miles Southwest 2 of Tiberias. If Massoretic Text is correct, this may be the place intended.